[centre][img]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/I_with_skull_3840.png[/img][/centre] I've been thinking of starting an Inquisition/Dark Heresy-based RP for a while now, and decided that now would be as good a time as any - if you enjoy the adventures of Eisenhorn and Ravenor, if you were a fan of FFGs Dark Heresy TTRPG, if you like getting in close and personal with the inner machinations of the Imperium and beyond (and [i]possibly[/i] with near limitless power to back you up), and if you're looking for such an RP that isn't going to shy away from more non-PG subjects within 40k, then I'd suggest signalling your interest in this here thread. As for the meat and vegetables... Taking place through a series of Acts/Sessions/Scenarios, we shall be dropped into the roles of [b]newly-minted[/b] Acolytes for one Inquisitor Lycus Xande of the Ordo Xenos, a figure who has not been seen in person by anyone for quite some time but is nevertheless as active as ever; the typical archetypes and representatives of the various Imperial branches are welcome, as are more [i]unorthodox[/i] figures depending on a small chat with myself. If this sounds like an RP for you, then please say so below, once I've found 4-5 willing [s]meatshields[/s] operatives I'll get a Discord server up and running and, ultimately, an IC thread. [b]EDIT:[/b] Discord server is here, for anyone that's genuinely interested! https://discord.gg/ArJyXTF