[hider=Kimberly W. Walton][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/TqpHQos.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYWSOqpvz90[/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"I will protect the world the only way I know how."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VFARy2m.jpg[/img] [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a1249380-58ec-4271-8fed-8209dee5bae0/d13z5b1-d4a8440e-c96c-48a5-9777-f4a881843552.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_1067,q_75,strp/my_id_by_simonamoon_d13z5b1-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTA2NyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2ExMjQ5MzgwLTU4ZWMtNDI3MS04ZmVkLTgyMDlkZWU1YmFlMFwvZDEzejViMS1kNGE4NDQwZS1jOTZjLTQ4YTUtOTc3Ny1mNGE4ODE4NDM1NTIuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.mJ1nat-wzFKL5bC2sQO2tEEH9NsyYIckl5Q0awBS7hU]Large view.[/url] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=slateblue]Kimberly Wendolyn Walton.[/color] [color=slateblue]She/Her[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=slateblue]20[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=slateblue]Caucasian[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=slateblue]5'7[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=slateblue]121[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=slateblue]Eccentricism[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=slateblue]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"Kimberly Walton, Ghost Hunter."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [color=Slateblue][b]Extra-Normal Experience ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly [i]is[/i] a ghost hunter after all. Even before taking up her rather peculiar career choice, she survived the battle with the Glutton. Coming out of the experience with knowledge of all kinds of being that only grew. [color=Slateblue][b]Shooting ⫻[/b][/color] While Kimberly knows a gun won't do too much good against an Apparition; she knows that there are other baddies out there. Which is why Kimberly has taken up to practicing the gun range and keeps a weapon on her at all times. [color=Slateblue][b]Photography ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly was born to be a photographer. Even from a young age, she put any cheap camera she could find to good use. Now that her equipment and skills have advanced quite a bit, she has quite a photographic eye. With her camera never leaving her side, few things miss her eye for detail. [color=Slateblue][b]Cinematography ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly was already a bit ahead of the curve with her expertise in photography. The moment she started recording her web series and taking classes, she entered a whole new area entirely. While she is no professional, she isn't a novice either. [color=Slateblue][b]Eagle-Eyed ⫻[/b][/color] Leading into the above skill, Kimberly has a very good eye for detail and is perceptive. Not even the most subtle movement gets past her. [color=Slateblue][b]Climbing ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly has been working out and getting into shape, learning how to climb shit so she can do her ghost hunting schtick a lot easier. [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=slateblue] Appearance[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Well, one thing that the whole thing with the Glutton taught me is that I need to be in good shape."[/i] [indent]Kimberly (or Kim as she likes to describe herself) is one of the girls that thinks she's plain. She feels as if she doesn't have the face, body, or curves, of models. And in truth, she doesn't have the attributes that make them attractive. Not that really hindered Kimberly at all, she shunted that idea as she found her true calling. Yes, she still has the glasses that invoke a librarian look but the rest of her body says that she's an adventurer now. She usually has a smug smile on her face like she knows something that you don't. It's catty, and somewhat immature even - but a lot of people get the wrong idea about her just from the look. She's not as spastic and energetic as before but is a lot more mild and calm. Reserved even... even with the smile. Kimberly is thin, but recently she has been paying a lot more attention to her physical fitness. After all, most of her time is spent running around. So, Kimberly has been hitting the gym, losing that little bit of pudge she got from before when she sat around. Which has done wonders for her skin... she's not pale as she used to be. Now, she isn't completely bulked out or anything but you can tell in a few years she'll be in a lot better shape. Her legs are the most toned and strong looking part of her body, however. She has blemishes on her face and a little bit of acne. She doesn't have any marks on her body, other than a few childhood scars that haven't faded. Her skin tone is the result of being primarily French, with a bit of German, [i]and[/i] being distantly Blackfoot. As for the rest of her body, she has a banana body shape. Not a body with a whole lot of curves, her shoulders are around the same width as her waist. Her bust (32A) being fairly small, and the same with her hips, she doesn't have a whole lot of curves. Before the girl wouldn't think of getting a tattoo. However, she decided to say fuck it and get a [img=https://www.konbini.com/fr/files/2014/01/Breton_War-Room-Stories.png]tattoo of her favorite album[/img]. Taking the appearance of a massive blue butterfly that takes up almost her entire back... it was the end result of a lot of money and many sessions. On her right arm, she has the tattoo of [I]Rest in Power, Jordan Nichols[/i] surrounded by musical notes and vines. Which is weird because, in this timeline, she would have never met the girl. Separate from her tattoos is her sigil [url=https://i.imgur.com/Ccw6UyU.jpg]which is directly on the center of her forehead.[/url] For her other sigil, [url=https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/insect-line-2/512/cucaracha-512.png]it's the symbol of a cockroach under her left foot. Ironically enough.[/url] Kimberly dresses rather practically when she's out doing her thing. She likes clothes that suit the purpose of being a monster hunter. She wears combat boots (the more lightweight version because she still needs to run and climb shit), and military-style cargo/combat pants with lots of pockets - sometimes she wears jeans but special work jeans. As for her top, she likes to wears all sorts of stuff for the occasion. She isn't against wearing a tank top, but usually, she wears a jacket, hoodie, or even a trench coat. When she's not on the job she dresses rather unflatteringly. Kimberly doesn't have much of a figure so she doesn't bother and, unlike some people, she doesn't see the point of getting all dressed up if the situation doesn't call for it. She keeps it simple with jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie if the situation calls for it. When she's trying to dress to impress she has some semblance of style... a hipster style. She dresses conservative but wears sweaters, jackets, and all sorts of that jazz that are bright and colorful - and likes to wear dresses. Though she still sometimes wears boots, and she's the kind of girl who wears sneakers with a dress. Regardless of what she's wearing, though, Kimberly always has her trusty [url=https://i.imgur.com/F6mNBkx.jpg]satchel[/url] slung around her shoulder.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] [color=slateblue]Psychology[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I wish I could have had the courage to tell Jordan not to go with the Hound..."[/i] [INDENT][color=Slateblue][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly's singular, obsessive, goal is to stop Annabelle Heart's rampage. She knows that she, at this point, is borderline unstoppable, but Kimberly's still going to [i]try[/i] to stop her somehow. After that, Kimberly's goal even if it appears on the surface level that she's only in it for the money is to protect her community from the Extra-Normal. Her experiences with the Glutton and the Hound have opened her eyes to the bigger picture and she knows that things won't be the same. So she attempts to grow stronger anyway she can and make money while doing it. On the flip side, she is attempting to make as much money as she can off of "Ghost hunting" along with expanding her influence far as she can. Though, deep down, she wishes to get over her sorrow over her best friend's death. [color=Slateblue][b]WHAT THEY WANT OUT OF THE COVEN ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly doesn't want anything out of the Coven other than their safety and survival. She doesn't have any interest in joining them, or being a witch at all, nor does she particularly approve of them. However, she isn't against working with them if they have a way of curing the curse that was placed on Annabelle Heart. Nor is she against helping the Coven if they really need it. From what she can tell, they're just a bunch of girls out there sticking together, and she won't really have any reason to bother her unless (or until) they give her one. [color=Slateblue][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly outlook on life changed drastically (fighting an eldritch abomination can do that to you). She realizes that maybe humanity is just a speck in the bigger picture but she wants to enjoy life the best she can and for what it is. So what if there are monsters out there? She's going to stop them. Kimberly lives and let die and believes that anyone can change, and the ugliest people are caterpillars that will, in time, blossom. As a strange belief of hers, Kimberly thinks that photographs are one of the most important things of all time; as they are moments perfectly captured and locked in time. Even if the people die, their photographs will live on forever and they are immortalized through a photograph. [color=Slateblue][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly keeps her battle with the Glutton a very well-kept secret between herself and the people who fought it. She tries to keep the Extra-Normal a secret in the most cunning way she can: by presenting them as fiction. In addition, due to what happened, Kimberly has to keep what happened to her friend, Jordan Nichols a secret. Namely her interactions with the girl because technically, in this timeline, she died years before they even could have met. [color=Slateblue][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly thinks she is heterosexual but it's ambiguous (perhaps even to Kimberly). She isn't exactly the flirty type but had moments where which has made others unsure of her exact sexuality - namely she had some moments of flirting (and "other" displays of affections) with her late best friend, Jordan. Perhaps unintentionally? However, she seems to only show this kind of affection to her close friends. [color=Slateblue][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly knows that there are monsters out there - literal and metaphorical. She feels the dread overwhelming her innately that they could strike out at any moment and she won't be strong enough to stop them. Kimberly also fears to lose the people that she cares about, mainly because she lost one friend to the supernatural and never wants to lose another one. [color=Slateblue][b]REPUTATION ⫻[/b][/color] Before she was thought of as an overimaginative weirdo with a camera, now that's different. Kimberly's quite popular online with her series Project: World Unknown. The show is actually a recording of her battles with Extra-Normal beings presented as special effects and this has reached people far and wide. To say it in fewer words; Kimberly's a celebrity. One that's known in Tampa, in particular. [color=Slateblue][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Eccentric and is prone to alienate people unintentionally by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. The girl is very nosy and likes to stick her nose in other people's business - especially when it comes to the supernatural. Kimberly is overzealous, presumptuous, and has a habit of jumping the gun. Especially when the going gets tough. In her attempts to combat the supernatural she has gotten rather arrogant and believes herself to be an expert. When there's much she doesn't know and most likely that'll bite her in the ass. The girl hasn't fully gotten over the death of her former friend, Jordan Nichols, and will go to any lengths for it to never happen again. [/INDENT] [sub][b][color=slateblue] Backstory[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I've found my true calling."[/i] [indent]So to begin, Kimberly was born as a native of Farmer Hill, Montana. Her family isn't particularly complex, her father's name was Leonard Walton, her mother's name was Constance, and she had a sister name, Bethany. Her father was retired from the army and settled down to work in Townhall, while her mother was a sheriff in Farmer Hill - the two met while in the service. Kimberly, at a young age, displayed a creative and fun-loving side that loved to read and enjoyed art but her parents had a different plan, they wanted their daughter to follow their footsteps. After all, it was apart of the family tradition to do this [i]great[/i] honor... but it truly wasn't in Kimberly's best interests. She just wanted to be creative and fun-loving and all and that was something that Bethany shared too. The two girls were pretty much close childhood friends - Kimberly's only friend it seemed. The family traveled a lot to other cities and Kimberly enjoyed it... but then they came back to boring old Farmer Hill. Kimberly often fixated on the photographs that they took while at beaches and other places and she longed to head back there - and these days she longs to go back to those days. Kimberly wanted every one of her moments to be immortalized and that's what created an interest in photography. It started with demanding to be the one to take the family photos and then it ended with Kimberly working to buy a hundred dollar camera. From here on in, Kimberly dreamed of going to Grand Ridge Academy and becoming the world's greatest photography and her sister, Bethany wanted to do the same. The two shared the same interest and eventually, they took photography classes together. However, their subjects were drastically different. Where Bethany took pictures of the scenic Farmer Hill and tried to catch people's best moments, Kimberly's subjects were a bit more macabre. Kimberly was interested in the dark history of Farmer Hill and the Occultism that surrounded it... much to the chagrin of Leonard and the many other people who wanted to keep that aspect of Farmer Hill a secret. It was just the occasional picture of a cow skeleton, a pentagram that was drawn into the side of a building, and the site where an animal was obviously sacrificed. The two, occasionally got together to take photographs together but their completely different interests were hard to make work together. Though, things changed between the two after one faithful event. Bethany was attacked one day after coming back from school, she claims by a man - but now Kimberly wonders if it was supernatural. After that, their relationship did a one-eighty; Bethany started hanging out with the rich preppy girls and started talking down and bullying people. Which included Kimberly as Bethany, whenever they were out bullied, belittled, and talked down to Kimberly in high school. It seemed to be for show as, whenever they were home, Bethany rarely bothered Kimberly and merely brushed her off whenever she tried to get a straight answer. Kimberly was hurt by the betrayal as the girl thought that she was her best friend and this bullying caused her to be the target for the entire town. However, this didn't last long as the two graduated and Bethany went to a prestigious college in LA. Kimberly didn't know why, but she remained in Farmer Hill to attend Grand Ridge Academy. She told herself that she only did it to follow her original plan to go there to become the world's greatest photographer. Worst of all, Kimberly felt alienated from her own family by not abiding by their wishes and constantly got into arguments with her. It was quite clear they saw her as the black sheep for refusing to serve their country. It started with small things like not inviting Kimberly home for holidays to more or less kicking her out of the house. Worst of all, she noticed that they took down all the pictures that had Kimberly from their social media and it felt like her connection to the Waltons died. Suddenly, Farmer Hill felt like a trap that she needed to escape... and it was uncomfortable running into them on the street. In Kimberly's spare time she went around Farmer Hill and took spooky pictures of whatever she could find - and sometimes of things that she made herself and put them on Instagram. Eventually, she got bored one day at one of the places something was sacrificed to a "Glutton" and decided to fuck around. She played the part of a ghost hunter and mocked getting attacked by a ghost and convinced a friend of hers that specialized in special effects to edit in some stuff. Then she put it on social media to some rather positive reception. Which gave her the idea of, whenever the girl wasn't studying, to run this little web series of hers named Project: Worlds Unknown. It was a simple thing where she went around and acted the part of a ghost hunter that tried to rid Farmer Hill of phantasms or the curse that plagued the town. It gained some small traction to the point where the ad revenue put a little bit of money in her pockets. Though around this time a newcomer to the town name named Jordan Nichols... a black girl from Philadelphia with a messed up leg that wanted to pursue a degree in Photography as well. They were the polar opposites of each other in every way but that's what made them connect so well. Jordan needed a guide around Farmer Hill and Kimberly, well, needed a friend. Eventually, the two were functionally joined at the hip with Jordan rarely going too far away from Kimberly (which lead to some rumors that they were in a relationship - which Jordan denied but Kimberly didn't). With Jordan helping out with Kimberly's show and all of that jazz. Kimberly and Jordan were best friends and there was nothing that could change that. ... Not even the discovery that the supernatural wasn't as fake as she thought it was. After a camping trip gone wrong due to Scott Reese, the town scumbag, getting possessed by the Glutton and going on a rampage. Kimberly escaped with her life but didn't realize it at the time but she Awakened. From then on, she helped the group whenever she could even though she didn't know of her abstraction. Kimberly noticed a strange trend with her friend, Jordan, and confronted her on it... and Jordan revealed that she was being hunted by a being known as "the Hound". Jordan confessed what happened that messed up her leg, which made her so haunted and guilty: years ago she went on a drunken car ride on her cousin's, Madison Brown, birthday which ended with a car accident that killed her. Since Jordan was behind the wheel, she blamed herself for years for her death. However, as it turned out: that was not how things were supposed to go. As it turns out [i]Jordan[/i] was the one that was supposed to die and the Hound wished to correct that. Kimberly vowed to protect her from the Hound and did just that. From there, Kimberly assisted the group in their battle against the Glutton... which was getting more and more hopeless as the situation devolved into raving cultists and monsters wandering the town. Before the ultimate battle, however, the Hound came for Jordan and said that if she comes willingly, he'll help the group defeat the Glutton. Jordan, however, willingly gave herself up to the Hound. Kimberly tried to object but Jordan was dead set on this... and this ended up being Kimberly's biggest mistake. Before Jordan left, they had some parting words before Jordan left for good. The group ventured into the mountain and defeated the Glutton - where she discovered her abstraction - bringing back all of their old friends and creating a new timeline without the Glutton. In this timeline, Farmer Hill was destroyed by an "earthquake" but magic was returned. It would have been perfect, but Jordan's cousin, Madison Brown, was also resurrected and Jordan died years ago. She apparently attended Grand Ridge Academy in Jordan's place. Against the advice of the Hound Kimberly showed Madison a recollection of what happened. From there Kimberly's family moved to Florida without her and Kimberly ended up moving to New York City to attend school on her own. However, this wasn't right... Kimberly didn't want to pretend things were normal with the things that she has seen. After much thinking; Kimberly brought back her show... Project: Worlds Unknown. However, with a twist; Kimberly was actually battling the supernatural and Apparitions and recording it. Over time, her viewer base expanded to the millions - there were less theatrics, fewer special effects, and other fancy nonsense, but that was only because Kimberly was taking it seriously. Kimberly was eliminating Apparitions that were a threat across New York City along with becoming a celebrity and traveling to other places to help stop other Apparitions. Though, she kept her ear to the ground. Kimberly knew the next big threat was right around the corner. It won't be as big as the Glutton but [i]nothing[/i] could be on par with that thing. And it wasn't long until she found it; Annabelle Heart. She started tracking a strange string of murders that started in rural South Carolina that went down south. Then she found out about Annabelle Heart after tracking her down and receiving a few Recollections about her. Kimberly found out more and more about the girl and what she had become and realized that she was a monster. And then Kimberly realized that she was the only one that would be capable of stopping her, being the only person knowledgeable in the supernatural and what she is. Thus, Kimberly tracked her all the way from South Carolina to Tampa by following the destruction.[/indent] [sub][b] [color=slateblue]Abstraction[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Hi. Bye."[/i] [indent][color=slateblue][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Awakened [hider=Kimberly Abstraction][color=Slateblue][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Photographic-Teleportation, the ability to teleport to different locations using photos as a medium along with other abilities. [color=Slateblue][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly's abstraction manifests in her desire to capture all moments and how she felt boxed into Farmer Hill. It's a fairly simple abstraction that is considered to be teleportation with a twist. If she has a picture of a location in her hands she can focus and teleport to that location in a flash of light, not unlike the flash of a camera. All she needs to do is focus, envision she's there, and it'll happen - but it takes a few moments to charge. It doesn't matter if it's digital or an actual photograph - but she works better with photographs in her hands. It's also possible for her to teleport through paintings and other such things long as she envisions being there. Photographic-Teleportation allows her to teleport anywhere on earth long as she has a photograph, but the further away she is the more time and stamina it'll take to teleport. If the location is about three meters away she can instantly teleport to it, but teleporting to say, China will take [i]hours[/i]. In addition, Kimberly can teleport people with her long as they are close and doing the same thing as her. Kimberly can teleport to any point in the picture, she has found out with some tinkering - before she thought that she can only teleport to the spot the picture was taken. After practicing, Kimberly can rapidly teleport from one spot to another to confuse and overwhelm foes. Kimberly hasn't realized it yet, but she has one of the few abstractions capable of dimensional travel. In order to access it, it's simple; she just needs a photograph taken in another dimension. Kimberly has access to two sub-abilities. [indent][color=slateblue][b]Photographic-Sealing ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly hasn't realized it yet (nor will she ever most likely) but Kimberly went through a Semi-Awakening. Where she retained her main ability but she gained access to one powerful sub ability. It relates to her desire to face Apparitions and the Extra-Normal on an even level and still relates to photography. If she takes a picture of an Apparition she can seal it inside of the photograph; now this is no easy feat - she has to first battle the Apparition to the point where she can weaken it then take the photo. Alternatively, she can keep taking photographs of the Apparition until it is sealed. Once sealed, the Apparition will be trapped inside of the photograph until it is torn or damaged in any way. [color=slateblue][b]Photographic-Scrying ⫻[/b][/color] This ability is rooted in how Kimberly feels as if photographs are just a window. This was also the result of her Semi-Awakening as she originally couldn't access it before. By holding a photograph, at will, she can see the location in real-time where the photograph was taken as a sort of scrying ability. She can see, hear and even smell everything that is currently going on at the location. This allows her to spy on any location remotely long as she has the photograph... she has abused it. If the photograph was taken far enough in the past she can also see into it as if it was a Recollections. [/indent] [color=Slateblue][b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b][/color] Kimberly's aura sensing is simple; she can sense the auras of objects and people that she has taken the pictures of for about thirty minutes. However, if the object or person is moved from the place where she first took the picture of it; then she won't be able to sense it any longer. [color=Slateblue][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] I'm going to skip the obvious and get to the meat. Kimberly can travel anywhere in the world but further away from her current position, the longer it'll take. She may be able to instantly teleport to a spot a few feet away from her, or take ten seconds to teleport twenty feet, but it requires a few moments of constant mental focus to teleport further. At this time, she has to stay still and focused or else she'll lose focus and the charge will be "reset." In addition, if the photograph is damaged in any way she'll have a harder time teleporting. Depending on the state of the photo she may teleport partially there or may not teleport at all. The act of teleportation is a very tiring and exhausting process while short-ranged teleportation is alright; teleporting to China will knock her out completely for a while. And don't get me started on teleporting to other dimensions. There isn't a limit to how many people she can teleport, long as they envision themselves being in the location of the photo, too. Kimberly needs a camera or photographic device in order to seal Apparitions and damaging the photo in any way will release the Apparition. Kimberly can only scry on one location at a time. [color=Slateblue][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] The abstraction has a couple weaknesses and drawbacks. The mere act of teleporting is very disorientating, nauseating and causes vertigo - teleporting long distances only exasperates this issue. She may reach the point where she falls over on her face from teleporting too much. There's also another weird effect when Kimberly teleports... she finds herself unable to leave the bounds of the photograph for a few moments. To explain, say if Kimberly teleports to the picture of a beach - she won't be able to escape the beach and go forward for a few minutes. Its like invisible walls trapping her, and whoever she teleports with inside of their bounds. Of course, this is dependant on how far she teleports and how much. If she teleports a few feet then it'll pretty much instantly go away, but if she teleports to the other side of the city she'll be trapped in there for a few minutes. Limiting her mobility and making her easy prey... she will still be able to teleport but the more she teleports the worse this effect will get. [/hider] [hider=Sharon Reid's Abstraction] [b][color=slateblue]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/color][/b] Entomopathy, Sharon Reid's ability to dominate the minds of all insect and have them dance at her fingertips. [b][color=slateblue]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/color][/b] Kimberly received this abstraction from a friend of hers, who didn't want anything to do with it after the Glutton was defeated. Given the circumstances of [i]how[/i] she got the abstraction, Kimberly could understand. Sharon Reid's isolation and inability to connect to people (and the innate desire to gain control of other people) manifested in the ability to connect to insects and find friendship through them. To utilize this abstraction, Kimberly has to feel the same type of emotion which she finds a bit alien herself. She understands how it feels to be alien, as her eccentrics don't endear her to a lot of people, but she has taken strides. Thus she can't utilize the abstraction to its full effectiveness. For example, Sharon Reid could use the abstraction in a radius of [i]miles[/i] and could more or less control all insects within the bounds of Farmer Hill. Kimberly, on the other hand, can only dominate the minds of insects in the range of one whole ass mile. Kimberly can completely control the minds of all insects and command them to do whatever she pleases. Whenever she controls insects they do whatever she asks and overrides all of their base instincts until she releases them from her control. With the usage of this abstraction, Kimberly can control thousands of insects at a time, an absolute swarm of insects. This makes her amazingly powerful and versatile with few being able to attack her in a straight fight. There are two abilities that Sharon had that Kimberly can't do for the life of her: the manipulation of insect biology. Sharon Reid's manipulation of their biology was near limitless and she can create any type of insect long as it made some type of biological sense. Kimberly, on the other hand, is unable to accomplish this and every time she tries she ends up killing the insect. So bummer. By taking baby steps Kimberly has learned to understand any insect's biology on touch and heal them. Just a baby step as she keeps killing them. As a side effect, insects follow Kimberly around whenever she has this abstraction "on", even if she isn't using her abstraction at the moment. They float around her, the longer she stays in one area, the more will appear. They'll ignore any actions she does so she could punch a hornet's nest and it will not cause them to attack at all. [b][color=slateblue]AURA SENSING ⫻[/color][/b] Kimberly has two forms of aura reading directly connected to her abstraction - mainly if she's using it or not. If she's not using it, Kimberly can see the aura of all insects within a mile and a half radius of herself. She can discern what type of insect they are and what health state they are in at the moment. The second she activates her abstraction the ability changes; she will no longer be able to see an insect aura but instead the auras of everything they can perceive. From the environment, objects, and people. Most insects don't have senses on par with humans so their auras are fuzzy and harder to read. [b][color=slateblue]LIMITS ⫻[/color][/b] Kimberly can control thousands of insects if they are within her range, but the more insects she controls the less fine control she has. She can make say a dozen insects do a bunch of different tasks and be able to multitask. If she controls a few thousand then she can only submit one command and they all follow it as a swarm. [b][color=slateblue]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/color][/b] Kimberly is telepathically connected to the insects and this comes with some side effects. Controlling a large number of insects is very straining on her mind and causes some serious headaches and nosebleeds. After using the max of her ability it's going to feel like one hell of a hangover hit her. She's also telepathically connected to the insects and killing them causes a shock to her. Killing just one won't be something she notices, but killing a few hundred will hurt enough to knock off her control for a second and a few thousand will knock her out. Somehow killing a million will kill Kimberly too. Killing the insects with burns and cold weather will cause burns and frostbite to manifest on her body. [/hider] [/INDENT] [sup][b] [color=slateblue]Other[/color][/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Nothing to see here."[/i] [indent]As for cameras, Kimberly has a Canon AE-1 camera, and an instant print camera she got off Amazon. If she had to choose one, she'd chose the instant-print due to its usage. Due to her adventures, Kimberly has a collection of dozens of Apparitions sealed in photographs but she also keeps a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 2.0 on her for protection.[/INDENT][/hider]