[hider=Odessa K. Maxwell][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/CYuVMhd.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08ngid9nBWQ[/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"I want to be able to forgive myself one day."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4WwVubI.jpg[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.com/7mxSRWB.jpg]Gallery View.[/url] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=forestgreen]Odessa Kayla Maxwell[/color] [color=forestgreen]She/Her[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=forestgreen]Chronologically 23[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=forestgreen]African-American[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=forestgreen]5ft[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=forestgreen]112[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=forestgreen]Lost.[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=forestgreen]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"It's sad to say, but this is all I know."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [color=forestgreen][b]Extra-Normal Experience ⫻[/b] [/color] This isn't Odessa's first rodeo and this ain't gonna be her last long as she draws breath. She knows almost [i]everything[/i] about the Extra-Normal, from the types of beings there are to how they function to a point she can identify it with a mere glance. [color=forestgreen][b]Botany Knowledge ⫻[/b] [/color] Due to Odessa's ability she gathered as much knowledge about plants and other such things as she could. Now she's a near master of the plant world and can pretty much instantly identify a plant. [color=forestgreen][b]Ballet ⫻[/b] [/color] In her past life Odessa was a ballet dancer, which was really impressive since her original body was much larger. It lent well to balance and other skills... that she doesn't quite recall given that her body is much different from her older one.[/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=forestgreen] Appearance[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"This isn't my first body."[/i] [indent]Odessa Maxwell is the kind of person that doesn't exactly realize how much she sticks out and how memorable she is. The girl usually, as she goes, from place to place, keeps her head down and quietly moves. Sometimes she has flowers in her hands as she walks. In public, she doesn't draw any more attention to herself than necessary, and usually, she slinks from one end of the crowd to the other without a word. If one were to pay attention to how she walks, they'd notice that she walks in a slow and deliberate manner. Either she's careful that she doesn't trip over something, or that she has all the time in the world and there's no urgency to get to her destination. Of course, in terms of appearance, Odessa sticks out like a sore thumb. The first thing that people notice about Odessa is her weird vibe. She has the appearance of a voudou priestess from many decades ago. What primarily tips these people off is the many tattoos on her body. She has various lines across her upper chest and neck, with her right arm covered in tattoos of waves and constellations and her left arm has symbols of beasts on them. There are tattoos on her legs of a mixture of trees, roots, and other plants. These are strange markings that could be her sigil or have some type of meaning that is supernatural related. Her hair is black and tied into thick dreadlocks that hang off the side of her head with some metal braids weaved into it. What's notable about Odessa's ears is the fact that she has her ear lobes stretched with a black ring inside of it. It's to the point where she can fit a huge earring inside of it. Along with the myriad of piercings... her nose is pierced, the middle of her forehead is pierced, and she even has her nipples pierced. This gives people the initial impression that she comes from a completely different culture and makes her stick out in a crowd. Odessa looks like she's from Africa! However, the girl speaks with a completely American accent... except she has an air of confidence around her. Which is almost as noticeable as her air of strangeness. Odessa seemingly always walks and speaks as if she knows more than what the person is talking about. Her voice is soft, and almost friendly - which gives people the impression that she's being condescending. The girl is African American with genes from parts unknown, she'll gladly tell you if you ask. She has very dark skin, afro-textured hair, thick lips, and the African skull shape. In terms of build, well, she's pretty skinny and [i]looks like[/i] she stays in shape - not that it's possible for her to gain muscles or body-fat anymore due to her... [i]different [/i]biology. She's not super-duper curvy, she definitely fills out her jeans and she has a 32E cup size. In terms of height, however; she is below average at five feet tall exactly. Though she may[i] look[/i] human, some people may note that there's something [i]off[/i] about her and the way she acts and looks. Though it'd take some [i]real[/i] observation over time to notice it [i]or[/i] it'd come up in the right moments. For starters, someone will notice that Odessa [i]never breathes[/i], in the cold air not a breath leaves her mouth. Sometimes Oddessa sighs but that is merely a show of emotion and functionally she doesn't need to. One that's a bit more apparent is the fact that her body is [i]cold[/i] like a corpse... except she's functioning perfectly fine. When it gets really cold Odessa's body heats up unnaturally like a space heater. Finally, most people won't notice it unless they have some type of super hearing or something, but Odessa has no heartbeat. It's all because Odessa is a plant.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] [color=forestgreen]Psychology[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Life is a wheel... and I just want to make sure it keeps going."[/i] [INDENT][color=forestgreen][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] After her death and return as an Apparition, Odessa's been longing for something to live for. She dedicated her entire life to stopping the Glutton and protecting Farmer Hill... and now neither of which are a thing anymore. Neither is her previous identity, Britney Williams, and what doesn't help is that Odessa doesn't have any skills that aren't related to the Extra-Normal. So, Odessa has been wandering the world, looking for something to live for, going where ever the wind takes her. However, she has been dedicating a lot of time to finding a way to break the curse the Hound placed on her so she can feel again. [color=forestgreen][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] Odessa believes that everyone should live for something; anything. That is apart of the glorious cycle the one in the sky designed and it's one that she will do. She herself is looking for something to live for, soon as she finds it. Odessa believes that the world of the Extra-Normal is the gateway to infinite possibilities. She doesn't feel as if anything is inherently good or evil... all because she thinks that life and reality is a beautiful cycle. One that cannot be interrupted, one that has no purpose or destination, and is completely devoid of thought, emotion, compassion - It just moves. She believes that everything has a beginning and an end... even herself. All apart of the fact that she died and came back as an Apparition, she believes that the current life that everyone is living is merely the chains keeping them back from that potential. Once you shed your current life and identity you'll unlock that power, hidden potential, that is inside of you and become immortal. That said, she thinks that being Extra-Normal is her brand of Normal. [color=forestgreen][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] This isn't Odessa's identity or even body. Originally she was known as Britney Williams. Odessa died before and came back as an Apparition that Abscised a person and took their body. This is why Odessa presents herself as an Adjoined, she doesn't know how people will feel about her taking another person's body. [color=forestgreen][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Odessa is bisexual, leaning on females. In Odessa's past life she discovered her sexuality after a chance encounter with a friend. She has dated boys in the past, but she finds herself more attracted to females. Though, that isn't to say that she isn't against dating a boy. She finds open-minded and spiritual people attractive above all else. Odessa is a very physical person who loves feeling other people even in romantic displays of affection and just feeling other people. However, the Hound took her ability to feel so she finds herself feeling frigid... as she wants to find a way to feel again before she tries to pursue some type of relationship. [color=forestgreen][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] The existence of the Glutton, the League, and the bigger threats of the universe are what keep Odessa awake at night. They the antithesis of reality and thus her greatest fear. Odessa fears the inevitable truth that she is Britney Williams and goes to any length to deny that she's that person. She also fears her past catching up with her... after all, she has done a lot of terrible things. [color=forestgreen][b]REPUTATION ⫻[/b][/color] Odessa herself doesn't have a whole lot of reputation in places. Dying and coming back as a different being altogether tends to do that for you! However, as Britney Williams back in Farmer Hill, she was known as a fairly popular and well-meaning person. As it turned out that she was manipulating and lying to people, her reputation tanked a lot. Though dying did [i]wonders[/i] for her reputation and she doesn't have to worry about a whole lot. Much like a ghost; Odessa goes from place to place and doesn't really leave a lasting impression. [color=forestgreen][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Odessa is strange... dying and coming back is bound to make someone stranger but Odessa has embraced the world of the supernatural and left her past life (and humanity) behind. This makes her interactions with people difficult, as she's seemingly speaking a different language and her motives and what she means oftentimes get completely misinterpreted. Above all else, Odessa is sullen and her past mistakes haunt her, she tries to do the right thing but always ends up failing at it. Odessa feels as if her life no longer has any purpose and that she doesn't know why she's moving forward. All her life she dedicated it to stopping the Glutton, and what does she get in return? A brutal death and is promptly forgotten when the timeline was changed. All that Odessa feels as if she knows is the supernatural, and that will be her entire life moving forward. All this knowledge of the "bigger" picture and universe does not make her happy. In fact, it makes her very lonely and depressed, and an outcast among regular humans. Worst of all Odessa can't feel any physical pleasure or sensation so she can't drown herself in alcohol. Naturally, her death also haunts her because as much as she tries to ignore it and act like she's not Britney, it still happened. [/INDENT] [sub][b][color=forestgreen] Backstory[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Britney Williams is dead, I was there when it happened, you know."[/i] [indent]Now Odessa's backstory is very long and complicated. Mainly because like the previous parts of the sheet show; she wasn't born Odessa Maxwell. Odessa Maxwell doesn't even exist and her previous life was Britney Williams. So Britney Williams also had a rather rocky start to her life. She was born in Farmer Hill Montanna as apart of the illusive Watcher organization, a subset of the League of Luminescence. Their goal was to keep an eye on the Glutton and keep the existence of magic a secret so nobody prods the Glutton. To this end, the Williams family was supposed to be the front and cover for the Watchers; they were supposed to have a strong influence in Farmer Hill and cover what the Watchers couldn't by throwing money at it. They were a huge part of the politics of the town and had hands in everyone's pockets - for prime blackmail material. Britney Williams was born as apart of this secret conspiracy and had a close part in it. She was born as the best friend of Amethyst, the next leader of the Watchers and the two were best of friends. At this age she didn't know any conspiracies but when she went to school and interacted with the other kids apart of Farmer Hill she was told not to talk about Amethyst. She was oblivious to it all, and this was the part Britney loved the most. However, her eyes were opened when she was forced to Awaken via the Watcher's using their Lux to manipulate her emotions. The process was... traumatic, however, Britney's memory of it was erased and she was told of her role. Told of the other universes, and their mission to hide the Glutton. To this end, Britney was used to expanding the Watcher's influence to the youth of Farmer Hill. To make friends and to get information; more importantly to deter anyone from going to the mountain. If anyone knew too much, a Watcher would eliminate them... and this, in time, wreaks havoc on Britney's mental health as she felt like she was complicit in their deaths. Due to William's family's lavish lifestyle trips to Glint and other strange places were covered up by being vacations. However, Britney gained her own agenda as she interacted with the people of Farmer Hill. She formed some legitimate bonds with the denizens and realized quickly realized that she wanted to protect them no matter the cost. While she tried to use more peaceful means they quickly got ruthless because that's what she felt like she had to do. She used to blackmail, murder, and many other horrible acts (including things that she found to be unforgivable) to protect the town and the people she cared about from the supernatural. Eventually, she made contact with White Arachne and joined the White Spider Society as she realized rebelling against the League was necessary and would have to possibly destroy them. These acts weren't just to the League, however, she had to do stuff she's not proud of to Farmer Hill's residents as well. One thing, in particular, she's not proud of was manipulating her friend Amethyst's fiance into killing one of his leaders and then killing him to cover her own tracks. Amethyst noticed because she began to act a lot more... shifty around Britney. The main goal that she had was becoming Farmer Hill's "Guardian", which was a sham created by the Watchers. Basically, one Awakened was supposed to have most, if not all of the power in Farmer Hill to keep new Awakened from forming and protecting the town. The current Guardian was John Reid, a man who had to kill almost all of his peers because they Awakened. She formed a bond with the man after being saved by him and tried to become the next Guardian. If she had access to all the abstractions he had... she would be a God. However, there was one thing in his way: Sharon Reid, his daughter. He also groomed her to be the next Guardian but she wasn't mentally all that "there" so Britney was forced to gaslight her in order to make her even more questionable. While all this went on, Britney was also expected to maintain a healthy social life. Which she did via the usage of phones and her connections... all the friends she made she kept in mind as she did what she did. One of her closest friends was one of the town troublemakers, Claire O'Sullivan, and they were practically inseparable. Though, they both discovered something about themselves skinny dipping one night that got rather heated. Sharing a kiss, the two realized their affections for each other. Britney didn't know how to come to terms with it but kept it a secret. This lead to her relationship with her friend becoming a bit awkward, and eventually, they drifted apart. Britney graduated and attended Grand Ridge Academy to also keep an eye on the people there. However, things fell apart really quickly. John Reid died and apparently somebody up and woke up the Glutton, she didn't know all of this until the camping trip. Where the Glutton attacked the camping group and forced them all to Awaken. From there, Britney tried to get them to defeat the Glutton, becoming the leader of the "Support Group" throughout their many adventures in Farmer Hill. Eventually, they ended up in John Reid's farmhouse and ran into Sharon Reid who told them to go to Hillview High. That's where they had their first battle against the Glutton and lost many, many, members of their group. Most notably Claire O'Sullivan, which Britney blamed themselves for. After the encounter, the sheer horror of the Glutton knocked them into a coma in which Britney and the others were saved by a "Higher-power". That higher power was known as the Child who sent them far into the future to save them... and when they woke up they found out that Farmer Hill was a lot different than before. The Glutton's corrupted roamed the streets and Apparitions went on a rampage as whoever came was also put under the same effect as the Corrupted. Britney was forced to come clean and told the group everything and eventually gave up the leadership position to a friend. From there she accompanied the group on their many, many, adventures through the destroyed Farmer Hill as hope burnt out more and more. During the final battle, Britney ended up killing her former friend Amethyst and pushed into the mountain. Despite everything Britney did, she met her end in the mountain. She didn't see it all to the end, nor was she even aware of how she got killed. However, she got a second chance... her guilt and other emotions made her return as an Apparition. She retained all of her memories but came back when all was said and done and the Glutton was defeated. She ultimately decided to move on and not reunite with her friends; becoming a roaming Apparition. An Apparition without purpose and she realized that Britney Williams is simply dead: she decided to start anew. Taking a new name, The Nurturing Will, she traveled to Glint and found a town in the middle of Africa that suffered from starvation death and decay. Deciding this was her purpose, the Nurturing Will decided to become the protector of the town and provided them with a limitless supply of food and water. She affixed herself to an elderly woman named Adaeze Okafor and she finally found what she was looking for. However, the League of Luminscience caught wind of it somehow and burned the village to the ground. The Nurturing Will attempted to save the village but the Knights were too strong to push back. At some point The Nurturing Will abscised Adaeze... she said that the elderly woman gave her body up. Eventually, the slaughter attracted the Hound, and, out of desperation, the Nurturing Will made a pact with him to save the village. The Hound took her ability to feel anything other than pain but the Knights were repelled and the village was saved... however, the Nurturing Will, left to start anew. However, the Nurturing Will's current body was injured in the attack and she died out... and she discovered that she could create a new body for herself after she died. Eventually, the Nurturing Will became Odessa Kayla Maxwell and wandered the earth, longing for a way to feel again. Thus, Odessa wandered through the world of Glint for a period of time as a flower saleswoman... until she took some time to rest and ended up there. The Othergrounds... which was an unfortunately uncomfortable experience because she ran into not just one, but four people from her past as Britney Williams. Primarily Penny Lawson... whom she showed a particularly strange relationship with. They got close after the death of Caelea Biard, at the hands of an Apparition that Odessa blamed herself for. The two set off away from the group to go after the Apparition and out of sheer guilt at her past actions, Odessa confessed that she was Britney Williams and that she had abscised somebody. Penny seemed to be relatively okay with the fact that Odessa stole someone else's body... but eventually, they defeated the Apparition and came face to face with the creator of the Othergrounds, Rosalyn Black. She revealed that she was from the future where the world was destroyed... and it had something to do with a man named Luther Saul. Odessa wasn't entirely convinced by all of this, but Penny was. However, the issue was that Rosalyn was hesitant to let any of them leave... and Odessa decided to be the one that stays with her in order to let everyone else go. The whole thing was about Penny... even if the world ends, Odessa was confident Penny and the others would be able to stop it. And Odessa was functionally immortal, so she had all the time in the world to spend it with Rosalyn. Odessa definitely used that time well, as she learned from the girl and together they made the Othergrounds a true paradise... ... However, the only problem was that Penny slipped Rosalyn a Jimmy Buffett CD and Odessa's been forced to listen to it nonstop ever since.[/indent] [sub][b] [color=forestgreen]Abstraction[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I shed my humanity."[/i] [indent][color=forestgreen][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Aberration (Abscised) [color=forestgreen][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Botanical-Body, Oddessa's body is comprised of plant matter she can manipulate almost limitlessly and gives her a few other abilities. [color=forestgreen][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Putting it short and simple, Odessa is one big plant in the accurate shape of a human. While she may look and feel human, what's going on under the skin is much, much, different. Now, while most may think plants are simple, they are extremely complex and capable of many, many, different things. Her entire body is composed of plant matter, which can take different properties of plants at will. In place of blood, she has various plant liquids (Water, Green Chlorophyll, Etc) constantly being transported and she doesn't have a circulatory system like humans do. Odessa has a vascular system that is similar to the blood vessels in animals, rather than having the heart to move her fluids about other forces that are utilized (Root pressure, etc). Therefore she has no heartbeats because she has no functioning heart and no lungs because she doesn't breathe the normal way. Odessa "breathes" through her skin, and she can create oxygen in the process. It's simple, she breathes by 'inhaling' carbon dioxide and 'exhaling' oxygen, creating a constant amount of oxygen for everyone to use! Odessa can also produce heat in response to the cold through thermogenesis, basically, certain plants have the ability to produce heat in response to the cold. If it's around negative five degrees then her body will naturally go to sixty degrees. Of course, she has the ability to produce even more heat or heat whenever she pleases but this will drain her energy. Any other questions you have will be answered with [url=https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F018%2F816%2Fits-magic-i-aint-gotta-explain-shit2.jpg]this.[/url] Through this ability, Odessa can grow pretty much every single kind of plant on her that she pleases and shape her body any way she desires. For example, she can turn her skin into wood to give her resistance to damage, make her skin grow leaves of Foxglove plants to poison foes, or she can also grow any fruit or vegetable just by willing it. She can shape herself almost limitlessly and do stuff like create blades, hammers, vines to stretch her hands - long as she has the plant matter. Odessa doesn't [i]need[/i] to eat or sleep, all she needs to do is stay in the sunlight and consume water, then she gets sustenance via Photosynthesis. She can also absorb other plants into herself to steal their nutrients and she can also consume food like a carnivorous plant. Odessa has a healing factor, two forms of healing actually. The first form is basically that she can force her body to rapidly grow new plant matter to replace/correct damaged materials and she can regenerate most wounds in a few moments. Usually, it's automatic and body-wide, but she can selectively regenerate any part of her body. The second form is that she draws in external plant matter to fill the wound. Odessa's unique biology also grants her a few other resistances. Odessa can handle getting poisoned; some plants deal with infection/poison by simply killing off the infected tissue and expelling it before it spreads. She'll lose a bit of matter, but Odessa can quickly regenerate the lost tissue. Because of this, she can be very hard to kill under the right circumstances. Oddessa's final ability is Self-Resurrection (or more accurately,[i] Regeneration[/i]). If Odessa is killed after her body is sufficiently damaged then she'll break down to a single glowing seed containing her soul. If this seed comes in contact with soil it'll bury itself into the ground. Eventually, a massive plant cocoon will come out of the ground and grow a new body for Oddessa. The more time she's in the cocoon, the more she'll age but however, she can come out whenever she feels she's ready. She needs a few days to get back to where she currently is. Of course, if she isn't by dirt then she'll be trapped in seed form for all eternity. If anyone comes in contact with or close proximity to the seed she can telepathically communicate with them. And if someone else consumes the seed, as in swallows it whole, she can take over their body and abscise them. [color=forestgreen][b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b][/color] Due to Odessa's deepseated connection to the supernatural, it was only [i]natural[/i] that she gained a sensing ability related to them. However, this isn't traditional aura sensing but it is instead a tingle in her skull. One that allows her to sense Extra-Normal beings when they are nearby. Normally it's about a range of six meters, but with focus, she can extend it to fifty-one meters, and with a bit more she can pinpoint their location. [color=forestgreen][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] Of course Oddessa's abilities are weaker against other Extra-Normal beings. Her strikes don't hit as hard and she has a hard time growing plant life on them. She also can't affect plants outside of herself beyond, say, absorbing the plant matter into herself. Now the big limit is that Odessa's ability is energy-related; using her plant abilities burn energy that she needs to function. Now, she can regain energy by absorbing sunlight but the more she uses her abstraction the less energy she'll have and if she goes too hard her body will begin to weaken. As in she'll get sluggish and she'll be cut off from her abstraction as she needs what energy she can to function. Odessa will need to sunbathe for about a day to get back from this point and long as she's constantly in contact with the sun she'll be fine. However, it is possible for her to burn more energy than she's getting and shut off her abstraction. If by chance she's cut off from sunlight for awhile and her reserves hit zero then she'll be dormant until she hits sunlight. Odessa also needs a constant supply of water to keep functioning as well - she may be able to go without food but she needs water every now and then as well. If she goes without water for too long she'll dry up and wither away and die. Also to grow a new body she'll need a constant supply of water and sunlight as well. Odessa's self-manipulation is limited by how much plant mass she has access to, and while she can cause herself to quickly grow plant mass she'll run out of energy. Any part of her body that is cut off will wither away and die and she'll have to grow new matter to replace it. In addition, Oddessa's strength is also dependant on touching the ground/earth. If she says, three or four stories up, then she won't be able to access any of her abilities other than her regeneration. The closer to the ground she is, the more powerful she'll be. [color=forestgreen][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] The biggest, personal, weakness for Oddessa is that, after her deal with the Hound, she can't [i]feel[/i]. She can feel emotions and basic sensations like pain, but she cannot feel pleasure, hunger, thirst, smell, the warmth of another person... just pain. She is desperate to feel something. Now, when Oddessa is in her base form is a lot more fragile than average. While she can heal and turn into wood, she can still be taken out relatively easily by certain attacks. Even if she can turn into the wood; it can shatter and break under stress - it's not anywhere near the strength and durability of stone or metal. Speaking of which, turning into wood also slows her down greatly. A strike to her head or chest area is as fatal as anyone else. Also, as a plant; she's effected by pretty much anything plants are poison, fire, extreme colds, etc, etc. Fire and extreme heats, in particular, are dangerous for her because they'll dry out her body and force her to drink more water. If she's already dehydrated then she'll be more likely to catch fire. Extreme colds can also be a pain by freezing the water in her body and slowing her down to the point where she's forced to go into a hibernating state and possibly kill her. There is only so much that heating her body up can do. Destroying the seed will kill Oddessa's body and force the Apparition out - however, you can effectively kill her by not ever letting it touch the soil. Also if she's killed by fire or heat then she won't be able to grow a new body at all because her seed will wither away. [/indent] [sup][b] [color=forestgreen]Other[/color][/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I'm going to start living for me."[/i] [indent][/INDENT][/hider]