[hider=Meifeng Liào][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/IGc5Jol.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5PzHp0GXbo[/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"I will do all in my power to ensure that the world is perfect for whoever comes after me."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lsp1P6r.jpg[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=red]Meifeng Liào (née Zhao)[/color] [color=red]She/Her[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=red]42[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=red]Chinese[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=red]5'11ft[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=red]152lb[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=red]Inner-Strength[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=red]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"I'm forty and have two children, and I'm still certain I can outrun you blindfolded."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [color=red][b]Leader ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng isn't a natural born leader... she's one that was born from failures and a desire to get promoted. She's been in a supervisory position for more than a decade now and isn't a slouch when it comes to bossing people around. [color=red][b]Criminal Justice Masters ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng earned her masters in Criminal Justice decades ago, against all odds, and she knows her shit when it comes to criminal investigations. [color=red][b]Krav Maga ⫻[/b][/color] This was a more recent decision by Meifeng to help her defend herself on the streets against anyone that would want to hurt her or her children. She chooses Krav Maga because it's a self-defense fighting style that she thought was the best choice. Meifeng is a black belt in the style but hasn't practiced it in [i]years[/i] but she replaced training with experience and she is a natural-born brawler that you don't want to cross. [color=red][b]Sports ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng has an [i]extensive[/i] history in sports. She played basketball and ran track in high school and was pretty damn good at it. However, again, she hasn't played an actual basketball game in [i]decades[/i]. She still technically runs track for her job's physical training tests but she's far too busy (and old) to play sports anymore. [color=red][b]Shooting ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng's pretty ace with a pistol, because she spent a lot of time at the gun range and in practice. She can shoot pretty well with a pistol and an assault rifle. [color=red][b]Fortitude & Discipline ⫻[/b][/color] To put it bluntly, Meifeng's seen some shit and been through a lot. It made her tough, and she can continue going through stressful and tough situations without even showing a [i]hint[/i] of cracking. [color=red][b]Cantonese ⫻[/b][/color] Due to being a native of Hong Kong, Meifeng is fluent in the language. Though she left the country at an early age, however, she learned the language on her own to have discussions with her husband and her children. She can maintain some pretty lengthy discussions in the language and knows the ins and outs of it. [color=red][b]Extra-Normal Experience ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng's a member of the growing Department of Extra-Normal security, a newly formed branch of the government made to handle the return of magic and any threats that may arise. That said, Meifeng's an expert in the Extra-Normal and knows every different type and more importantly... how to take them down and deal with a wide range of magical abilities. [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=red] Appearance[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Why are you looking at my chest? Pervert."[/i] [indent]Meifeng Liao is a woman of pride and vanity, inherited from her mother. The woman has an aura of unapproachableness to her, mainly due to that frown on her face and the fact that she constantly moves as if she knows exactly where she's going. And if you dare interrupt her you're gonna catch one [i]helluva[/i] attitude. She speaks softly, quickly, and doesn't mince words, and she has a bit of a Hong Kong accent. It's very faint mostly because she hasn't lived in Hong Kong for decades but sometimes she regresses a bit when frustrated. Meifeng's eyes are usually hidden behind a pair of sunglasses and she has on a hat. The woman is past attempting to keep up with the norms of children and the latest fashion fads and usually dresses for what's the most practical or appropriate for the weather. What's most comfortable for Meifeng is legging, jeans, a tank top or T-shirt, or a fleece hoodie. Meifeng dresses like she wants to blend in without being noticed or sticking out too much, simply to get where she needs to and leave without a trace. Which is probably because Meifeng sticks out like a sore thumb, fortunately. The woman is [i]tall[/i], which is pretty notable because she stands a [i]lot[/i] taller than the Chinese average. From [i]their[/i] perspective around six-five. This is because Meifeng inherited her height from her mother... who was [i]even taller[/i]. It's not a source of contention for Meifeng. The other thing that makes Meifeng stand out is that her body is very well-toned and muscular due to years of physical training. Meifeng was an athlete from when she was a teenager and is holding onto her prime with cold, bloody, fingers. She has thick arms from weight lifting, thick legs from running and other exercises, and more. The woman's in incredible shape for her age and the fact that she had kids. This contributes to her aura of "Don't mess with me". However, one thing that Meifeng didn't inherit was her mother's curves. Her body shape is roughly a triangle with a slim body and somewhat broad shoulders (which limits a lot of stuff she can wear as is). She has an incredibly flat and boyish chest and it's to the point where she doesn't even bother with a bra. Fortunately, from years of squatting and other exercises she at least [i]kind of[/i] has an ass but it isn't much. However, Meifeng is far past the point of insecurity or complexes about her body. Meifeng is who she is. Meifeng is a pure-blooded Chinese woman and is proud of that. No, she isn't "yellow." Her skin - which is white with heavy golden overtones - makes this very obvious and her facial features are consistent with that region. However, throughout the years, Meifeng has gotten herself plenty of marks. Before, these were only scars on her knuckles, and scars on her legs and arms from sports-related injuries. A few years ago, you could say that these were just marks that implied that she liked a little roughhousing. However, two scars stick close to Meifeng... a slashing scar on her forearm implying that somebody cut her arm, which is fading in time. And most importantly of all: her C-section scar. Though, Meifeng has other marks, such as her tattoos. In an act of rebellion from her mother years and years ago, Meifeng got a small [url=https://i.imgur.com/YzS7hCy.jpg]tattoo of flowers on her upper thigh.[/url] It's faded away because Meifeng never got another. Her mother never found out about it, and never will. Meifeng doesn't exactly like tattoos a whole lot and never got another one. However, on her lower back, above her butt, is her [url=https://i.imgur.com/7xUv8a7.png]sigil[/url]... which she admits looks kinda like a tramp stamp.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] [color=red]Psychology[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Live for something, friend. The last thing anyone wants is to die in a ditch looking up at the sky realizing they did nothing with their lives."[/i] [INDENT][color=red][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng's not really sure what pushes her forward anymore. She used to say it was the desire to do [i]something[/i] with her life and make an impact on the world. However, Meifeng was married with two children and that seemed to be an impact enough for her. She believes that she's [i]attempting[/i] to get over the grief of her best friend's death, and also her mother's death but she doesn't even know anymore. She's telling herself that she's working with the DENS to make a better world for her children but... [color=red][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] Throughout the years Meifeng's life philosophy has changed a whole lot. Currently, she settled on the philosophy of inner (and outer) strength above all else. To Meifeng, Inner-strength is the ability to keep fighting no matter what happens, and never showing an ounce of pain. Being your best person no matter what happens or what it costs. Meifeng's a very prideful woman at her core believes that she can do everything on her own and is very proud of herself and her accomplishments. However, she believes in an eye for an eye and will always retaliate against any transgression. [color=red][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] It's not exactly something that Meifeng screeches from the heavens, but Meifeng is bisexual. She discovered herself at a young age and kept it a secret from her mildly overbearing mother. She has an affinity for women but one that she doesn't get to explore a whole lot due to her current marriage to her husband, Daniel, and her fondness for him. Though, Meifeng is very in touch with her sexuality and is a bit of a pervert. However, that aspect of her is [i]deeply[/i] internalized. [color=red][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng has deep-seated fears for her children... she's seen the ugly out there, and how it's getting even uglier with the return of magic and is afraid that something that'll happen to them. She knows that she raised them right, and raised them to be tough, but there's only so much that they can do. There's also the lingering feelings of her age catching up onto her... that she's not as good as she used to be and will be toppled over by someone younger and better than her. The fact that she only knows how to do one thing is looming over her. So in fewer words; a mid-life crisis. [color=red][b]REPUTATION ⫻[/b][/color] In most communities, Meifeng is a stranger as she goes where ever the DENS takes her and tells her to go. However, Meifeng, in the DENS is known to be a stern, no-nonsense, agent that has the best interests at heart, despite some miscalls. One of Meifeng's favorite things is that she's a nobody in the bigger picture and nobody knows her. [color=red][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] A lot. Meifeng is weighed down by long hard life and while it made her tough, it didn't exactly do wonders for her mental health. Meifeng's brash, irritatable, and quick to anger and make bad decisions. Especially as of late, when alcoholism and gambling addiction is taking over her life, slowly but surely. Meifeng feels like she's going to crack, but she has to keep pushing on for her family and her own sake. She's a very prideful and arrogant woman that doesn't really like people implying that she can't do something, or that she should ask for her. In her own eyes, Meifeng can do [i]anything[/i] she needs to do on her own, and will never stop for a second to get some help or something. Meifeng's biggest flaw is that she's [i]insanely[/i] obstinate and inflexible, it's unlikely anyone would be able to talk her out of a particular view or plan. Even if there are some solid arguments leveled her way, she'll still be under the delusion of being right. Meifeng believes she knows everything, has seen everything, and can do everything she needs on her own. [/INDENT] [sub][b][color=red] Backstory[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"It's full of so many things I'd do differently... or again."[/i] [indent][hider=It's fucking long]Meifeng's life began in Hong Kong China... and she was Meifeng Zhao, the daughter of the esteemed Lihua Zhao. Lihua Zhao was an Olympic champion and Meifeng was unaware of her mother's secret heritage and was fine with that. Her father wasn't in the picture due to a bit of tension between her father and her mother, eventually ending in a divorce. Most of the time Meifeng was left in the care of her uncle, Jiao-Long Liu, in America. Her uncle was a very wealthy man due to being a genius and owned a technology firm, and thus she lived a relatively comfortable early life. That was until her mother, Lihua, came to America with her, leaving behind their previous life for a new one. All because Lihua wanted a better life for Meifeng and it was getting a little hostile in China for women. Although Lihua and Jiao-Long had a deep-seated and long-lasting rivalry with each other and usually ended up bickering, Jiao-Long gave help whenever needed but Lihua only accepted it in the most desperate of situations. Meifeng grew up in LA, and she had a particular childhood. Lihua resigned to the life of an office worker because after all that Olympic stuff, she decided that she needed something a bit slower paced. She worked her back off to keep a roof over Meifeng's head, and barely had any free time due to her workaholic lessons. What free time she did have was raising Meifeng the right way, to be better than the American girls. She taught Meifeng [i]self-reliance[/i] and passed down her ideals about inner strength and whatnot. To teach Meifeng how to handle herself, and how to be a woman of pride and power above all else. And also taught her stuff about cooking, physical fitness, and learning all on her own. Lihua was strict, punishing, and couldn't stand for such. All this did was place a lot of stress and pressure on the young Meifeng and eventually, plant the seeds of rebellion. Most of the time Lihua was gone until the evening, which meant Meifeng was more or less responsible for getting home, studying, cooking for herself. The girl desired to get to know other people, but she didn't exactly speak English that well and it was a source for ridicule for many many years and she just had a hard time connecting to people. That loneliness shaped and defined Meifeng as she took this time to live and learn on her own. That was until Meifeng made her first true friend... Jennifer Caspin. Jennifer was a girl that just lived in the same area and went to the same school as Meifeng that she just vibes with. Mostly because they're both "exiles" for one reason or another, and they both wanted some company, so why not with each other? Jennifer helped Meifeng learn English and eventually, in high school, their friend pool grew a bit. Probably because Meifeng started taking up track and basketball in high school. It started with Olivia Clarke, a rather strange girl that was in the same track group as Meifeng. They added Cindy Keagan to their group, a girl with a kind heart that was the daughter of a Vietnam veteran and was the more down to earth of the four. And with the help of the three, Meifeng [i]discovered[/i] herself. A girl with a love for action, adventure, kindness, and wanted to leave the shackles of her mother. They were a rebellious lot that always caused trouble by pulling pranks, going to parties, and also getting high as [i]fuck[/i] off the weed. Lihua tried to discipline the girl, but she figured that she would, in time, learn and grow from the mistakes. And it took a while because Meifeng was dumb as hell. The four grew to be very close friends... and then they started getting close. It was there where Meifeng and Jennifer discovered their sexuality; bisexuality. It started as them playing around by kissing but they eventually confessed their feelings for each other. It was [i]definitely[/i] something that she kept from her mother (and the rest of the school), but she eventually accidentally found out when she stumbled in on them kissing. It was something that Lihua wanted to unsee. However, it had a different effect on Olivia Clarke, which Meifeng was oblivious of at the time. See, Meifeng saw the other track girl, Olivia, as a sort of rival to her as she saw herself as being the best on the track team. That was because Meifeng [i]was[/i] the best on the track team. Except it was all playful, and Meifeng treated it all in good fun. However, she didn't quite realize that, all the teasing, and upstaging Olivia didn't exactly get treated the way she thought it would. And Olivia developed a deep-seated disdain for Meifeng that was a mixture of being fed up with Meifeng being an ass and jealousy... of her relationship with Jennifer. You see, Olivia [i]also[/i] had a crush on Jen, but she didn't know how to feel about it. All of their affection towards each other built up something inside of Olivia that she couldn't possibly take anymore. Eventually, at a party, Olivia confronted Meifeng about their relationship and Meifeng played it off, the same dismissing way that Olivia didn't like. Before Meifeng teased her about her track times and... Olivia just couldn't take it anymore and attacked Meifeng. A fight broke out between the two that ultimately resulted in Olivia pulling out a knife and trying to stab Meifeng. Meifeng tried to protect herself but she ended up getting stabbed through the forearm and, at this point, the fight was broken up but the knife was pulled out and Meifeng started bleeding heavily and passed out. She thought she died... but Meifeng woke up in the hospital a little while later and realized that her mother had donated blood to save her life. This was when they had a very heartfelt discussion about what happened and... Meifeng changed. She hardened and started taking her mother's lessons and teachings seriously. It was around this time that Meifeng became withdrawn from her social circles... and she didn't want to bring up Olivia - who was sent to jail for attempted murder for a long, long, time. Meifeng moved on like she didn't exist. Who was her rival? Nobody. What happened to that fourth friend? Meifeng didn't know. It was during this time where Meifeng realized she never wanted to be weak again, but in her attempts, she drifted away from her friends and even her lover Jennifer. What didn't help was the fact that the trio pretty much split apart after they graduated from high school. Cindy decided to follow in her father's footsteps and joined the army at literally the first opportunity she could. And Jennifer went to a fancy college in Philadelphia and Meifeng... stayed in LA. The three kept in touch but they all went different directions with their lives, and Meifeng eventually ended up going to college at the University of California. It was her first time staying away from home but Meifeng always had an interest in the criminal investigative world... if they'll take her after the incident. This was where Meifeng met her future sweetheart, Daniel Liao. The two just ended up crossing paths but started talking and Danny asked her out on a date and one thing leads to another and they started a relationship. And a few years of dating later... the two got married and Meifeng was officially a Liao. And they got married just in time because Meifeng got pregnant with his children right before they got married. Nine months later they cut her two children out of her, and she held them in her arms as she gave them a name: Justin and Kaitlyn Liao. The first few months (well, years) of marriage and parenthood was tough on the young couple, especially because Meifeng [i]definitely[/i] did not like the slow-paced lifestyle of a mother. Nor did she want to give up on her dreams of getting into the criminal justice department. Meifeng pretty much gave up on physical fitness as most of her time was spent doing online classes or taking care of the twins. Soon she finally got her masters and smiled... even though she couldn't do anything with it by taking care of the twins. Her husband got his masters in business and started his small company that kept the big bills coming and coming and they managed to live comfortably. Also, pay off their student loan debt. Because that sucked. The second that Meifeng could, she got a job in the LAPD as a forensics investigator. It sucked because Meifeng wanted to join the FBI or CIA or even the military, but she had to stay home with the children. How it worked was that Danny worked in the mornings, Meifeng worked in the evenings, sometimes the overnight shift. Fortunately, Lihua was always around to help rear her children with her teachings. Katie was receptive to it, but Justin was hard-headed and rebellious... and Lihua always said that he was the spitting image of his mother. Eventually, Lihua withdrawn from their lives altogether to go live in some shit hole in Montana named Farmer Hill. It went on this way until her children were all grown up and being sent to the college (Justin, in particular, was sent to attend school in Farmer Hill with her mother) and it almost brought a tear to her eye. At this point, Meifeng still wanted to join the FBI but almost twenty years later, yeah, she wasn't in the best shape of her life anymore. She had so much free time to dedicate towards her physical fitness and tried to hold onto her prime but she was slowly coming to terms with the fact that her body isn't what it used to be. However, the trio reunited in time, with Cindy returning to LA decades before raising her son, Cameron, and Jennifer returned to LA with her son too, simply because she grown infatuated with Los Angles and wanted to come back. The woes began when her mother, Lihua Zhao, was mysteriously murdered in Farmer Hill while Justin was away. This was the catalyst to a large number of Meifeng's woes, and her relationship with her husband crumbling. When Meifeng was there for her funeral, she realized that it was the beginning of the end. Every time she pressed the local authorities for information, or to do their job, she was given an excuse or the runaround. It was unfortunate given how many murders happened there that were swept under the rug. The frustration that she felt and the ensuing depression ended up putting a strain on her relationship with Danny. Especially since Meifeng started gambling an [i]awful[/i] lot with their money. The fights started with Danny and eventually, Meifeng realized that she needed some space from him. And that was when she went from Danny to Jennifer Haggar (née Caspin). It started after a "girls night out" with Jennifer ended with them getting drunk and having sex with each other. And while Meifeng felt dirty for cheating on her husband, she kept going back to Jennifer who was having similar problems with her husband. Thus this is how three vices became Meifeng's everything: sex, gambling, and alcohol. This went on for almost a year before [i]it[/i] happened. Jennifer was brutally raped and murdered by her husband, Douglas Haggar, and he was promptly arrested and convicted for it. It seemed like all joys in Meifeng's life were being taken away and the sheer grief of all of this forced Meifeng to Awaken. She didn't realize it until way later... that was because she was looking into Jennifer's death herself. After all, some things didn't add up. It seemed like Douglas was in two places at once which was impossible. This was when she had her first encounter with the supernatural after doing some digging of similar cases. Meifeng saw a recollection of a woman being attacked by a strange being that eventually took the form of a man. It was fucking weird but she kept digging. Eventually, Meifeng went from case to case to case until she saw a Recollection of Jenn being attacked... and her attacker. It took the appearance of a large, muscular man, that was inhuman. Meifeng tried to fight him off, but the man was too strong and pinned her against the wall... That was when Meifeng discovered her abstraction... and clumsily used it to fight off the Apparition and destroyed it. At that time, Meifeng didn't know what that thing was or the fact that it would come back in time. All she knew was that the very strange string of rapes and murders came to an end and she could rest easy. However, she knows there was some funky shit going on in LA, and in some vain attempt to understand it, Meifeng looked into the Occult and the world of magic. It wasn't very helpful given that the magic in those books was a world's different from the magic that she wielded at her fingertips... and around this time the string of murders and rapes began yet again that seemed similar to that monster. So, in the dead of the night, Meifeng set out again to find this creature but it wasn't long until it came to her. When she was on her nightly patrols, it took the form of her husband and attacked her. She was vulnerable and was caught off guard and was injured, and would have been killed if it wasn't for him... Justin Haggar. The son of Jennifer was cracking the creature down with a friend of his and had a magic of his own. Together, the three of them battled the monster but Meifeng felt the familiar feeling of passing out from blood loss. She woke up in a hospital the next morning with her actual husband at her side, Cindy Keagn and Justin Haggar... who explained everything to her. Well, what she already knew, but he had been tracking the thing and defeated it while she was under and sealed it inside of a watch that he had... the watch that he asked her to watch. He then asked Danny to leave as explained the world of magic to her and Cindy. However, this was where Cindy made an admission that she was recruited by a secret government task force known as Task Force Sword & Shield that was under the Department of Homeland Security... tasked to combat the new magical world and the threats that were arising with it. And she wanted Meifeng with them. She was hesitant, but after meeting the "Director" of the DENS she decided to join, and her partner was her best friend Cindy Keagan. The two went all over the states, investigating Extra-Normal crimes and defeating other organizations until they were both granted a supervisory position. Given that the DENS was desperate in those and Meifeng was one of the few Extra-Normals in the organization. That didn't last long as others joined her and Meifeng lead them with an iron fist as she took it as her mission to remove any magical threats from the world. Though, she was still struggling with the death of her mother and best friend and getting her other two problems under control.[/hider][/indent] [sub][b] [color=red]Abstraction[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Even the oldest animal can put up one hell of a fight."[/i] [indent][color=red][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Awakened. [color=red][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Metal Manipulation, the ability to telekinetically manipulate metal and shape it into sharp blades. [color=red][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] Fueled by Meifeng's iron-hard resolve, fortitude, strength, obstinance, and fleeting prime, she gained the ability to manipulate metal. The core feature of this abstraction is the ability to move metal in all of its shapes and forms through sheer force of will (Aka. Telekinetically). She's capable of subtle effects, such as locking a door from the other side to the more dramatic, such as shredding a car with a wave of her hand. It's linked to her body movements, so it requires some type of movement to use her abstraction. Meifeng can also lift a large amount of metal at a time, up to one thousand and a half pounds worth of metal. She can't lift a car, but she can take it apart piece, by piece. With this ability, Meifeng is a threat and can be difficult to take on head-on. Unlike other forms of element manipulation, Meifeng doesn't exactly have a whole selection of sub-abilities. It's raw, destructive, power. She can't shape metal in the traditional sense, where another metal manipulation would be able to seamlessly shape metal like it was a liquid; Meifeng's shaping of metal is more like an outside force [i]attempting[/i] to shape it. Any attempts of shaping else will result in the metal ending up deformed and horrific screeching filling up the air. And no, she will not be able to fix it. Through some practice, Meifeng has discovered that she can create clean cuts in metal or attaching one piece of metal to another. However, this requires a great deal of focus and it ain't exactly that she can do on the fly. Meifeng, can, however, shape metal under one condition: that she sharpens it into a blade. All of that drivel before goes out the window if she merely sets her mind to creating a razor-sharp blade or pointy-part. She can shape any metal that she's using into a razor-sharp blade. She can also combine metal to create larger blades. Meifeng isn't unsure of [i]why[/i] this limitation is in place, but it's a great limiter that forces her to get creative. [color=red][b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng seemingly has two different forms of aura sensing that she can use. The first one that she uses the most is the ability to sense knives (long as they are metal) within an eight-meter radius. The other, and more specific, aura sensing is the ability to aura sense her children within a ninety-two-meter radius. [color=red][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] Meifeng's range isn't much to write home about, she can control all metal within a twelve-meter radius. Which isn't that far, but if you're in that range be careful. She can manipulate around 1500lb worth of metal, but she's better manipulating one solid piece of metal over several. If she attempts to, say, manipulate a thousand pounds worth of individual forks then her control will be shaky, sloppy, and she'll be prone to drop it. There's also that big limit on more or less being unable to cleanly shape or manipulate metal unless she's shaping it into a blade. So that [i]kind of[/i] limits her ability to do the fancier feats of manipulation other elementals are capable of. Also, metal is heavy, tiring to move, and she gets more tired by manipulating metal than usual. [color=red][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] Now Meifeng has a lot of firepower at her fingertips and is dangerous, but there are some drawbacks. For starters, there are a few things that interfere with her abstraction, and that is extreme heats, colds, and electricity. She straight-up can't manipulate a metal if it's glowing hot or frozen or has a lot of electricity running through it so that has to be kept in mind. Meifeng's also a mighty glacier... and by that I mean whenever she manipulates the metal, weight is pushed down upon her that slows her down while she's using it. It's to the point where she cannot move at all and can be outmaneuvered by a faster opponent. [/INDENT] [sup][b] [color=red]Other[/color][/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Strength through adversity...."[/i] [indent][/INDENT][/hider]