Vuthaternock wakes up, hearing snarling, and waits until everything quiets down to investigate. He sees a body lying on the floor, throat torn out, and kneels down next to it to see if that is how the man truly died, or if it was meant to cover something else up. [color=ed1c24]"I wonder what happened...?"[/color] He takes the body, hefting it over his shoulder, and casts a small spell to remove the blood, and smell of death. He carries the body outside, and whistles. A giant wyvern lands nearby, folding massive wings to his back. [color=39b54a]Wux relgra ihk ve rilnom?[/color] He nods. [color=ed1c24]"Si rigluin wux ekess itrewic rid di nomeno mamiss."[/color] The wyvern grins, and takes the body. [color=39b54a]Si geou ti shartleg vhira duulo rhyaex.[/color] He then flies off a short distance to enjoy his meal, cooking it with a blast of fire.