[right][b][h3]Turn 5[/h3][/b][/right] At 0650 Hours the sun had was upon the eastern horizon behind the invading East Germans. Its rays were spreading out across the European landscape, but not completely risen for another eight minutes. American, German, British and Soviet aircraft continued their deadly ballet in the skies over the Fulda Gap. The NATO and Warsaw Pact forces were inching towards one another and soon a cacophony of cannon fire, explosions and artillery would drown out the screams of dying men in their steel coffins. The Soviets preferred to send out their reconnaissance assets in front of their main forces and the American unit west of Ansbach could see they were performing according to plan. The gunners sat in their turrets scanning the horizon for targets. Radio traffic was relayed on both sides. A prelude to the [i][b]Battle of Ansbach[/b][/i] was about to begin.