Cs Name: Jackie Violet Gender: Female Age: 25 Species: Human Host Appearance: [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Uni.%28Artist%29.full.379899.jpg[/img] Personality: Jackie has given up on trying to beat this demon inside of her. No matter what she does, it never goes away. So Jackie has started to just go with it, making her life easier and ultimately far less painful. She has stopped caring and at this points just accepts that this is her new life. Jackie has grown cold, and because of the Darkness's bidding, she has become isolated from others. Power: Omni Darkness Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Two Pistles. Weapon: Other: Pet Name: Darkness Pet Gender: None Pet Age: Unknown Pet Species: Sentient Darkness Pet Personality: The Darkness is a cold, manipulative and evil demon who feeds on the poor unsuspecting fools that their to try and stop him and his enslaved host. He will do anything in order to gain ultimate power. The Darkness is cunning and incredibly smart, it knows exactly how to get out of almost any situation and when it can't the darkness evolves, only growing stronger. Pet Power: Omni Darkness