[img]http://i.imgur.com/liks82d.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img] As Donny listened to Acion reminiscing about their past, he felt someone grab him. At first the his texture was somewhat solid, but it wouldn't take much before his blacken mass would easily give and let Junko's hand sink into him and get metaphorically consumed by his blacken mass. His body had a texture of particularly thick mud. More importantly because Donny was caught by surprise if or when Junko would remove her hand, she'd notice the oily black stains. Bits of his biomass that Donny sometimes loses control over if he's not paying too much attention. It was like sweat, except because it was black it was [i]much[/i] more noticeable. At least it cleans fairly easily. [color=firebrick]"What are you... W-What? Cool? You... Okay I guess?"[/color] Donny had been called cool before back in middleschool, but because everyone in his class had been freakish like him he had just assumed it was basic compliments since neither he nor his fellow students looked "cute" or anything like that. So to hear normal looking people call him cool was... Still something he needed getting used to. It had been on his mind so much he almost missed out on what Nadeko was saying. So Donny produced another can of soda to offer to Junko as he was about to respond to Nadeko and Acion. But then the teacher announced that it was time for class to start, and so their conversation had to be cut short. [color=firebrick]"Oh. Class it starting. Let's chat some more later."[/color] As everyone got back to their seats Donny checked his phone and saw that he had lost his battle. He saved his data and reorganized his things, even taking our his "Heroics" journal. Unsurprisingly Mako wanted to start off with introductions followed by why they wanted to be a hero what students thought about heroism. This made Donny nervous considering he didn't exactly prepare a speech or anything. [color=firebrick][i]"Short and sweet I guess. Don't need to give them a whole TED talk about heroics or something just enough to give them an opinion."[/i][/color] Donny did his best to gather his thoughts before he was selected to stand up and speak. [color=firebrick]"Chill, chill... Phew. Okay. Ahem."[/color] He said to psyche himself up before stood up, bowing the top portion of his mass with the mask before he spoke. [color=firebrick]"Hello my Japanese name is Sekai Kinoko. My birth name is Donny Yang. You can call me by either."[/color] Donny said in a very well practiced manner. His Grandfather made sure to drill him to say it correctly whenever he has to introduce himself. Plus it gave him some time to stall and think about why he wants to be a hero and what it meant to him. [color=firebrick]"I want to become a hero because... I think I can use my powers for good things that can help people and make me useful to everyone. And being a hero means... Um... It means... W-When something needs to be done, even when no one else wants to do it, you're willing to get the the job done as best as you can. Yeah."[/color] Donny ended awkwardly before sitting back down. He was pretty sure he did a good job. [@TheWendil][@Silver Carrot][@Conscripts]