[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vQOmUnK.png[/img][/center] [i][b]Azarath.[/b] "A calling by name. By speaking the name of the plane of the Azar, one opens the mind and soul to the possibility of worlds beyond our current perception of reality. Older studies of the occult, particularly in the areas of demonology, believe that to know the name of an angel or demon is to have power over it, and in a sense this is true, but not the entire truth. Speaking the true name of an outside entity can bind it, but this is a two-way connection: you may bind a demon to you, but you also bind yourself to it. Thus, it is important to practice the utmost caution when speaking the names of things beyond our world. The Azar are generally benevolent, but naming one is to invite their own wrath upon you. Therefore, it is best to name their plane, Azarath. By binding Azarath to you and yourself to Azarath, you connect to both their world and our own, expanding your perception, your empathy, and your potency as a practitioner of applied metaphysics."[/i] [color=MediumPurple]"Uh-huh,"[/color] I say with skepticism as I read through my mom's old copy of [i]The Great Door,[/i] the Dianetics-like text that the Children of Azarath use as the basis of their cult. "Applied metaphysics" is the preferred name they have for magic; ironically, by slapping science-sounding nomenclature onto what is ultimately a bunch of spells and rites and nonsense, they pretend to understand it and have power over it. I grew up around this stuff, and always thought it was nonsense. Now, I'm not so sure. [i][b]Metreon.[/b] "An Awakening. Not to be confused with [b]Metatron[/b], the greatest of the Angels in Hebrew lore; or [b]Metron[/b], an entity of an entirely different pantheon best left alone by mortals, [b]Metreon[/b] is the Azar name for the levels of existence within ourselves that extend past the body. The closest term we have for this is the 'Soul,' our conscious psyche, our memories, our awareness and willpower and empathy. To understand Metreon is to understand that we ourselves are infinite, and to speak the true name Metreon is to connect to that infinity. If speaking Azarath connects you to the infinity of their realm, speaking Metreon connects you to the infinity of the realm that is your Soul Self."[/i] I've been having recurring dreams about Mom, about the last time I saw her. She keeps telling me to find "the three words that unlock the soul." So far, this mantra is the only thing I've found that sound even close to what she means. Calling it a "mantra" is generous, given that's a term for an actual religious practice. I ought to call them what they are: magic words. [i][b]Zinthos.[/b] "An opening. Zinthos is the name of the Great Door, the barrier between all worlds. For those who do not understand the principles of applied metaphysics, Zinthos is closed; the physical world is the only one they can see and interact with. If Zinthos is open for you, the physical world, the world of the Azar, and the world of your Soul Self all become one. Through the Azar, all things are possible. Through your Soul Self, all possibilities are focused through your willpower and your thought. Through the physical world, those possibilities become reality. In your meditations, in your explorations into dreams, and in your practice with applied metaphysics, the mantra will awaken and empower your Soul Self, and allow you to project the power and wisdom of the Azar into the physical world. Connect to the higher realm. Awaken your true self. Open the Great Door. [b]Azarath. Metreon. Zin--"[/b][/i] [color=Orange]"Friend Rachel, I have the most joyous news!"[/color] Kory bursts into the loft above the book store, startling me to the point where I almost fall out of my chair. [color=Orange]"I have acquired an ally in our battles, who will teach me the ways of the Ani-May!"[/color] [color=MediumPurple]"Wha--"[/color] I start, scrambling to cover my books. [color=MediumPurple]"Kory, you can't just bring people in here! What if they're with--"[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"Oh, ummmmmm, hi, should I....should I go?"[/color] The boy she's brought into our apartment is overweight, with greasy pockmarked skin, a patchy neck beard and mutton chops, stringy red hair done up in a top knot, and a T-shirt with a logo for something called [i]Pretty Pretty Pegasus[/i] on it. I feel like I've seen him somewhere before.... [color=Orange]"Friend Rachel, this is the Friend Alex,"[/color] Kory introduces us. [color=Orange]"He is a merchant among the Dorks, and commands the Space Marines of the Imperium of Man in the world of the Forty-Kay. Friend Alex, this is Friend Rachel, who--"[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"Uhh, we've actually kinda met,"[/color] Alex says sheepishly. [color=YellowGreen]"At the, uh, at the Control Freaks concert the other day?"[/color] [color=MediumPurple]"....oh, right, that was you,"[/color] I remember. [color=MediumPurple]"Sorry I yelled at you. I had.....a migraine."[/color] Really, I had a voice that sounded like the universe falling apart shouting in my head. But he doesn't need to know that. [color=YellowGreen]"It's, uh, it's okay,"[/color] he says, shifting uncomfortably on pigeon-toed feet. [color=YellowGreen]"So, Kory says you're playing a spellcaster, right? And she's your Fighter. So I was thinking, maybe I could be, like, a rogue or something?"[/color] [color=MediumPurple]"......what?"[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"The LARP you're doing this weekend at the con,"[/color] he explains. [color=YellowGreen]"She said you were going to attack a hive of some kind, so I thought you'd need, like, a sneaky ninja guy to help infiltrate? I mean, I don't know what kind of rule system you're using, but like, I've read all of Ashida Kim's ninjitsu books, so I know how to--"[/color] [color=MediumPurple]"Okay, one second,"[/color] I cut him off as I start to realize what he's saying. [color=MediumPurple]"Kory, can I talk to you?"[/color] [color=Orange]"I was not aware that you were unable to talk to me now,"[/color] she says. [color=MediumPurple]"[i]In private,[/i]"[/color] I specify. [color=MediumPurple]"Sorry, um, Alex, can you wait downstairs for a minute? I need to discuss some things with my, um....team mate."[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"Okay, sure, yeah,"[/color] he nods, [color=YellowGreen]"Just whatever you decide, I'm not playing Paladin. Paladins are for babies."[/color] The greasy nerd waddles his way downstairs, and once the door is closed, I round on Kory. [color=MediumPurple]"What were you thinking?!"[/color] I burst. [color=MediumPurple]"We don't know anything about this guy. What if he's working for the HIVE? And you just led him right to us!"[/color] Kory's eyes widen with realization. [color=Orange]"My apologies,"[/color] she says, dropping to her knees and bowing in penance. [color=Orange]"I only intended to find allies to aide us, not bring potential enemies to us. It did not occur to me that this Dork could be capable of deception."[/color] [color=MediumPurple]"...well, to be fair, he's probably not,"[/color] I admit. [color=MediumPurple]"He looks like the only damage he could do is leave a nasty comment on a Youtube video. But that's the other thing-- he thinks this is a [i]game[/i], Kory, that it's all pretend! If he gets wrapped up in all this, it's going to get him killed!"[/color] [color=Orange]"But surely his army of rare and shiny Pokémon will--"[/color] [color=MediumPurple]"That's a video game, Kory!"[/color] I shout in exasperation. [color=MediumPurple]"Everything he was telling you about Space Marines and ninjas and whatever, it's all just entertainment. It's [i]not real[/i]. He thinks that we're playing a game, and so he was telling you about all the other games he plays."[/color] [color=Orange]".....so I have not made a powerful ally, then?"[/color] [color=MediumPurple]"No, Kory, you haven't,"[/color] I say, relieved that she gets it. [color=Orange]"...I see,"[/color] she says, before her smile returns. [color=Orange]"But I have still succeeded in making a new friend! Rather than use his companionship for our strategic ends, we may simply enjoy his company for its own sake!"[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"Heyyy, are you, um, you still talking up there?"[/color] Alex shouts from downstairs. [color=YellowGreen]"Because I was thinking, I don't wanna be a rogue. I wanna be a Goblin Slayer! You know, like the anime?"[/color] [color=MediumPurple]".....oh yeah. I can't wait to have this guy around all the time."[/color] [color=Orange]"Splendid! He has promised to show us the Ani-May so we may understand the way of the Dork! A fellow Dork at the comic shop also says Alex draws his own Hen-tai, though I am unsure what that is. [sub]....the boy said it involves tentacles, so I assume it is some sort of aquatic art? Will I need to acquire swimming gear? Perhaps if I conduct research on the Inter-net....[/sub]"[/color] This is just what I need. More distractions. More loose ends. More things to barge into my life and break my concentration. More nonsense. [color=MediumPurple]"Why not,"[/color] I say to myself, rolling my eyes as Kory rushes down the stairs to speak with our sweaty new friend. [color=MediumPurple]"Everything's been nonsense since I came to Jump City. Why not a little more? At least it's not more new-age occult garbage, more hocus-pocus and abracadabra and Azarath Metreon Zinthos--"[/color] And then the entire world turns to shadow.