Roxy stepped out of her room once she was dressed. She waited for Jess. She nodded.[color=blue] "It should be just about ready." [/color]She headed down the hall. The sooner that they eat the sooner this day would be over. As they walked towards the kitchen they would hear multiple voices. It appeared that it was no longer just Maxwell and Reginald. Frustration flashed through her. It had to be the board members. Business was the last she want to deal with but at least it would get their attention on her sex life or lack there of. Roxy headed to the formal dinning room. Her father and Maxwell sat at the table with four other man. They were all her father's age. They all stood when they arrived.[color=0072bc] "There they are. Please be seated girls so we can begin. After breakfast we have a lot to discuss."[/color] Reginald indicated to the two empty seats. Unfortunately the seats weren't next to each other. They were on opposite side of the table.