[center][h1] Nathaniel Gregorio[/h1][/center] [i]beep, beep...[/i] That phone had been ringing for an hour now; the ringtone was an endless series of high pitched beeps, assaulting the ears of quite literally everyone that hears them with excruciating, undying, and ceaseless pain. Or not. It was just that this ring tone was identical to the sound that the NTC uses when sending pings pertaining towards rising storm level alerts on everyone's phones. It was a common noise during the rainy season, really, as all those phones would go off at roughly the same, emitting the same screeching noise that everyone hates. Too bad, though, for Nathaniel Gregorio, a student in Trinidad University, has not heeded it's call, refusing to rise to wakefulness for the third time this month. He was not one to like waking up early and getting ready for school, but now, his mother was about to bring out the [i] tsinelas[/i] because her son just. wouldn't. Wake. Up! [i]"Hoy Nat-Nat, late ka na sa skul."[/i] (Hey, Nath, you're late for school), she yelled at his drowsy face while holding up the slippers. [i]Oh no.[/i] Nathaniel screamed as he was jolted to wakefulness by his ever so vigilant mother. He looked at the clock. It was far too late to get to Trinidad through normal transportation... Especially not in this country, where traffic was a hellish problem for anyone that wasn't rich enough to afford a helicopter. He obviously had a trick up his sleeve, though. After eating breakfast and getting ready, Nath drew out his Noble Arms from its pocket space: a pair of antique revolvers that crackled with electricity. His mother, who was already prepped to go to work herself, waved him goodbye as he willed himself to turn to raw electricity, entering into the nearby powerline to travel through it towards the university... [hr][hr] Some of the lights dimmed for a split second as someone travelled right through the wiring that kept the entire power grid of the university connected. Some of the students would know who this was: Nathaniel, the boy who could travel through wiring by turning himself to electricity for a short time, was late. Again. It was already lunchtime, so Nathaniel had already figured out that the first class would have already been dismissed. Such a sad fate indeed. Either way, he would land, somewhere. And what better place would it be, other than near some girl and the PE teacher...? Ah, yes. Right. He doesn't know that. A nearby light bulb would slightly crackle for a few moments as Nathaniel got nearer and nearer to it in his electrical state. Eventually, he came out of it, popping out rather gracelesly out of the bulb's surface as a mere coil of electricity in the millionth of a second before turning back to his normal self: a comparatively short boy that usually didn't talk alot. [i]Oof.[/i] He fell on the floor facefirst, almost breaking his glasses again. He hadn't quite mastered his abilities yet, and his exits were often clumsy like this, though this is useful as an escape tool nonetheless. "I really need to get the hang of this...", Nath thought to himself as he then found his eyes on the coach... and was that Hailey? Nice, then. "Hello Hailey.", he simply said as he stood up, though he was obviously a little dazed from his transit. Oh, no. He probably jumped her skin out, coming out of the light bulb like that...