The library was a beautiful building, Alys thought. Both she and Chris were regulars there, and knew their way around, at least for the most part. Of course there was never any harm in consulting a librarian for help if such was needed, but over the years the pair needed that help less and less. "We have about an hour before we should be going. Chris, set your pocketwatch so you don't forget," Alys cautioned, as Chris made to head off at once into the stacks of books. "Yes alright," he replied distractedly, wanting to be off, but he did at least take out his watch and fiddle with it until the little device was set. And then he was away, Walter trailing behind, vanishing between the rows of books with an eager and confident air. "Well that's those two taken care of," Alys said with a smile. "We may have to track them down later, but I have a good idea of where they'll end up. Finnegan, are there any books in particular you wanted to get?" She was eager to be off as well, but it was polite to ask her companion if he meant to get anything and take care of that first.