[centre][h1][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200502/8a58ab15e9b594094eed99bd4fb41a88.png[/img][/h1][/centre] [hr] Felix was not panicking, not because he was calm, but because he was immediately repressing such strong emotions. In his mind the Pandora's Box of his locked emotions grew more strained as this latest addition was locked in there. Wait... if he was dead how could he still be repressing himself? Didn't the old tales say death removes all illusions? His relief at not being actually dead was also added to the box. Damn it. Finally having cleared his thoughts, he looked around to see the lady from earlier looking at him, along with her sidekick and another teen. (Inferiority Complex about his height increased). Playing back the last minute or so in his mind, he waved his hand in front of his face. [color=f7941d]"Sorry, I had a bit of a knock to the head."[/color] he apologised, before making a number of gestures as he checked his brain capacity, [color=f7941d]"Nothing seems to be overtly damaged, so I should be fine. Anyway, you asked where we are? A number of options spring to mind. The first is merely that this is a lucid dream or hallucination, but that can't be true for two reasons. The first..."[/color] Felix pinched the sidekick on the arm, [color=f7941d]"Is that in a lucid dream you cannot feel pain. Also you are aware of being in a dreamworld most of the time, but the pain is a stronger indicator. Hallucinations can be ruled out as a hallucination on this scale would require high level schizophrenia or drugs that would make us all neurologically impaired."[/color] He paced around for few seconds before continuing. [color=f7941d]"From the looks of things we have either been kidnapped and placed in some messed up haunted house or an advanced virtual reality simulation. Probably best to go under the former as our assumption for now. If this place is a mockery of the university we should attempt to escape via the nearest exit point."[/color] He looked to the sidekick. [color=f7941d]You've been at the uni longer than me, what'sthe quickest way out?[/color] [@Crimson Flame][@Theyra][@Scribe of Thoth]