[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KFpA42t.gif[/img][/center] [hr][right][i][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: Ember Grove Park | [color=00aeef]Mentions[/color]: Helene Sinclaire [@Ithradine][/i][/right][hr] It had been early afternoon when Veronika and her entourage had approached the town of Ember Grove, the car a blur of metal as it drove along the woodland path. Road 70 wasn't easy to traverse, and the journey from the estate had been long and arduous. As soon as the tree line of The Night Order's territory ended, the car slowed down to a comfortable pace. "We should have taken the chopper," Loukás commented as they entered Ember Grove, relieved that the long drive was finally over. Veronika shook her head but didn't say anything. It was beyond doubt that the long drive had been far from pleasant. The path was narrow, jagged and rocky. The journey back home was not something she looked forward to, and the idea of taking a chopper back to the estate was rather tempting. For security reasons, Veronika decided against it. She did not want to draw unwanted attention - or worse - give away the estate's location. Road 70's treacherous path played a role in keeping their estate safe and hidden. Most humans stayed away for it was thwart with dangers. As the car headed for the park, Loukás' concern did not go unnoticed by Veronika. She could tell by the occasional sideway glance, tight jaw, and his hard grip on the car's roof handle. "[color=00aeef]If you don't ease up a little, you might break that poor handle,[/color]" Veronika remarked. Loukás immediately let go of it and sighed. "It has been a decade since you last set foot into Ember Grove. What is the reason for your visit?" He asked. With the recent happenings in town, he felt uneasy. Veronika was not the type to do things without reason. He searched her face for answers. "[color=00aeef]Eight years,[/color]" Veronika corrected. "[color=00aeef]I'm here for a change of scenery.[/color]" Loukás was not convinced, but he knew better than to question Veronika. She always had a reason for doing things, but she never shared said reasons. He had given up long ago on trying to figure her out. It was pointless trying to get inside the mind of someone who has lived for almost 2 millenniums. Perhaps anyone who hasn't lived that long would never truly understand what went on inside the minds of those who have. "[color=00aeef]You worry for naught, I'm only here for leisure.[/color]" Veronika assured him before looking away, signaling she was done with the conversation. She could not fault him for being concerned about her safety. Ember Grove was infested with hunters, and the density of supernaturals in such a small town only attracted trouble. Loukás decided not to press any further. Instead, he reached into his pocket and took out a [url=https://artmastersjewelry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Nature-Inspired-14K-Rose-Gold-1-Ct-White-Sapphire-Diamond-Rose-Vine-Engagement-Ring-R294-14KRGDWS-P.jpg]ring[/url] she had given him for safekeeping. He opened the red box and handed it to her. "The [i]ring[/i], my lady." Veronika took the ring from its box and held it up to the light, the stone glittering as she moved it. She gave it a quick look over before slipping it into her ring finger. In the blink of an eye, Veronika appeared to be a few years older. Her main features were the same, but her body and facial structure changed to that of a woman's. She looked more mature, which better matched her sophisticated demeanor. The illusion looked so real that Loukás was taken aback for a moment. "You haven't worn that ring in awhile," he commented as he continued to stare for a second too long. Veronika gave him a half hearted smile as her mind went to a trip down memory lane. The ring had been a gift from a friend she had centuries ago. A powerful witch who died in the hands of hunters; betrayed by her own coven. The car pulled over to the side of the road, pulling Veronika away from her thoughts. Loukás exited the vehicle first and opened the door for her. She took his outreached hand and got down the car, giving the driver a quick [i]thank you[/i] before closing the door behind her. The first thing Veronika noticed was the crowd of people gathered at the park, mostly families enjoying a picnic. Although she would've preferred a more vacant setting for her afternoon stroll, the crowd was to be expected on a Saturday afternoon. As Loukás excused himself to pick up a phone call, Veronika's ears picked up on a melody not too far away. It was a beautiful song, and as a musician herself, Veronika could not help but perceive the emotions the violinist tried to portray behind every note. It was a melody of sadness - and perhaps longing. Veronika found herself walking towards the direction of the song, curious to see the face behind the melody. It led her to the center of the park, where a woman sat on a bench, playing her violin. She had snow white hair and a somber expression to match. Veronika kept her distance, standing a few feet away as she watched and listened with interest. [hr] [center][hider=Veronika's appearance while wearing the ring][img]https://i.imgur.com/mTED4ee.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]