[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cl86vjI.png[/img][hr] [color=#ff7f00]Location:[/color] Hotel Valhalla: Feast Hall of the Slain [color=#ff7f00]Skill:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=#ff7f00]"You're telling me stabbing someone doesn't relieve you of stress, weird."[/color] Dalisy said with a huge grin on her face. She was being mostly sarcastic. [color=#ff7f00]"Yeah, you didn't explain why you want to talk to the Thanes. What was that about?"[/color] Dalisy asked Elizabeth. Then the deaths started showing. Dalisy gave it some attention. She liked to know what to expect out of the new people. For the most part, they were all standard. Fought someone or something, probably saved someone from certain death, and of course, all had a weapon in hand. Dalisy remembered there had even been a person who had had a fire extinguisher and that counted. The Thanes were pretty generous but it was required. Sadly she had no new half-siblings. Dalisy was fond of family, even with the weirdness of being half Asgardian. It was part of why she was still attached to Niah. Though she always felt closer to Niah, even after years of being dead, Niah and she had grown up together. They were more family than the half-blood relations that came through here. And Niah would never enter these halls. Then what seemed like the final video started playing. It was for the girl Klara had carried into the Hall.