[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7c990cf5-e6f1-41b9-a6b1-65787762d5cc.jpg[/img] [Color=Silver][u][i][b]Burai Kasei[/b][/i][/u][/color][/center] [hr] Smiling softly to himself at his prank, Burai placed a hand on top of his files to stop its spinning and opened it eagerly. Reserved as he often seemed, he was just as excited to meet his team as anyone else. He'd wanted to be a Ninja for most of his life - had dedicated uncountable hours to training and furthering his style, and for the first time in his (admittedly short) life, he felt ready. As he brushed his fingers over each page, searching for his assignment, he cast his mind over his classmates, wondering, idly, which of them he'd be spending the next few years of his life with. He was drawn first to the Karata boy. Their bloodlines were somewhat similar, after all, and his chakra was fascinating to watch; it would swirl around his eyes in strange, pulsating eddies, bleeding into every vessel of his network. There was something calming about it, somehow, despite its more agitated undercurrents. He thought next of the handful of Hyuuga he shared a classroom with, and couldn't help but frown. Burai had nothing against the Hyuuga, per se, but most that he had met had treated him with severe disdain, the Hokage and some of his classmates notwithstanding, and his clan were never afraid to mouth off the users of the Byakugan. His uncle Jou would often tell him stories about the branch Hyuuga that he'd shared his first team with. They had hated each other with a passion, and Jou insisted that the girl had tried to kill him more than once; undoubtedly, she had many similar stories of him. That said the Hyuuga Burai knew personally were mostly decent. Perhaps it was down to the fact that he could feel safe in the knowledge that they were perfectly aware of when he was staring at them. One Hyuuga Kiyoshi, in particular, was someone he wouldn't mind working with. The boy had a tranquil air about him, his chakra flowing in controlled waves, and the swollen vessels around his eyes far less jagged than most. There was also, of course, the unforgettable Jin. Burai liked the boy, in all honesty. There was an undeniable energy about him that was worryingly infectious. However, perhaps having him as a teammate would be a step too far... These thoughts soon came to an abrupt, unpleasant halt. One of his teammates' information hadn't been properly stamped, (he wouldn't mention it to sensei; much as he enjoyed pulling her leg, he was too fond of the woman to draw attention to it), and he struggled to read it with any kind of haste. The other, however, was clear as day. [color=silver]"Shiori Spiga..."[/color] he muttered, attention scanning across the room in search of her chakra. [color=silver]"Of all possible students, why must it be her?"[/color] Burai would readily admit that he judged the girl unfairly. He always had, and was well aware of it. Frankly, they'd almost never spoken, and the few spars they'd had were fast-paced and enjoyable. However, there was... something about the girl - about her chakra - that unsettled him on a level he found difficult to explain. Her entire aura seemed to writhe, a strange undercurrent of malice just peeking out from under a thick blanket of normality. Perhaps he was being paranoid, but her chakra network was so distracting that he had learned early on in his time at the academy to tune it out, lest he spend all day staring in her general direction. (There were others who had had the same effect on him, of course, but hers was a particularly unique case). Now, by contrast, he was actively seeking her out, his awareness flitting about the room even as his head remained motionless. Finally, he pinpointed her, sitting alongside an apparently, (he really hadn't the ability to make his own observation on the matter), beautiful Hyuuga with whom he'd sparred occasionally, and one of the more irritating girls in his year, (the type Jou would call a [color=gainsboro][i]'prissy little Herbert'[/i][/color]). With a determined gulp, he stood, and strode towards the three with as much confidence as he could project, flaring a weak chakra shield as he went, a thin, pale purple aura stretching over him like a second skin. (It always payed to be cautious, after all). Finally, he arrived, standing at a polite distance, and cleared his throat, making sure to fix his gaze firmly on her face. [color=silver]"You are Shiori Spiga, yes?"[/color] he began, a nervous, but fixed smile on his face. He extended his hand. [color=silver]"I am called Kasei Burai, son of the Kasei third branch, and I am to be your teammate."[/color] He inclined his head in a firm nod. [color=silver]"I eagerly anticipate our working together!"[/color]