[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200816/2561c05aaeb84aa50b0946dd205e39c6.png[/img][/center] Jason’s parents, and all of his neighbors came to see him off on his journey. All the attention was a little embarrassing in Jason’s opinion. He was just doing what any brother would do. He still appreciated the sentiment though. Everyone was close in his section of the Croplands. They were all like family. A lot of them gave him enough food to last the trip. The food probably wouldn’t last the trip though. None of these people traveled much and didn’t have anything that wouldn’t go bad after a few days... Jason had to either eat it before it went bad, or share it with somebody. He did get some cheese that would probably last a good while. That was helpful. His Ma and Pa were also there to say goodbye. His parents were supportive of his decision to look for William. They were had been worried sick after so much time had passed without a letter from William. They tried not to show that, but months without knowing what happened to your son would make any parent sick with worry. Of course, they were also worried that if things went badly, they would lose both of their sons... Jason didn’t think about that. This wouldn’t go badly. William could take care of himself, and so could he. He would find his twin brother alive. His parents gave him as much coins as they could spare, as well as some extra clothes. Of course, Jason still didn’t wear a shirt, because he was a show off like that. After a hug goodbye from his mother, which caused someone in a carriage to mock them. As if there was anything wrong with saying goodbye to your mother when you don’t know how long it will be before you see them again... Jason was off. He carried his things in a blue bag with a woven good luck charm swinging off of it. In addition to his bag of supplies, Jason also brought his trusty farming hoe. He didn’t expect to do any farming on this trip, but the hoe was still useful for defending himself when magic doesn’t work. He's had it for years, it was the real good luck charm. He also had every single letter William had sent. He could tell from his writing that he was really excited to see the world and become a knight. He documented every place he went to, and everyone he met along the way. They brought joy to the entire family every time they got one. His last letter said he had made it to the capital, where the knights trained. Now the question was, what happened to him once he got there? That was what Jason was going to find out. He passed through the gate, into the Scrublands. He had gone here with his mother sometimes when she needs to sell produce. It was rather nostalgic for Jason. It was a vibrant town filled with lots of different people, and lots of stuff going on. There were farmers,  mercenaries, and other merchants. Jason didn’t stay for long. He made his way through the crowd, and made it outside. There, he found a whole line of people waiting to get inside. On the opposite side of the line were people going out of the town. There were a lot less people here. Besides himself, there was also a teenage girl, and two older men. One of the men had a hand on the girl’s shoulder. They both looked suspicious... Jason wondered if he should get involved. The longer he spent here, the longer it was going to take to find William. Then again, he couldn’t just walk away and potentially leave a girl in danger... The answer was obvious. No doubt William would have gotten involved too if he was here. So, with farming hoe in hand, Jason casually approached the group. [color=7DF9FF]“‘Scuse me guys. Is everything alright here?”[/color]