[center][h1][color=32CD32]Ishara[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Equinox seance? She knew about the existence of the Equinox in a general sense, at least in a general sense of changing seasons and ilk, but something seemed to be planned for that time. Something tied to perhaps why the Crimson King wasn't here? Yet even the Magistrate seemed to have no idea of why the king's absence was so this time. Though from the sounds of it, someone or someones had been sent out as well...but was it in relation to this Equinox seance or just something else? Hmm. It was all hard to tell, though Ishara mentally noted down the details as she listened in. Her self as a future Sorcerer was trying to make heads or tails as she ran over the words in her mind, repeating them over and over and emphasizing key words to remember and write the vital information in that down later. However, as she took on a seemingly deep train of thought a hand on her shoulder made her almost jump as it swiftly stirred her back up to reality. In fact, most surprising was who was talking to her. Sekhandur, scion to the House of Kain and her predecessor from Pesedjet. She'd oft heard herself being compared to the boy back in her classes, especially in either matching or coming close to his scores. Overall she had fallen within ten points of the boy, or at least that was as far as she'd heard her work praised. Of course as much as she'd heard the praise of his scores, so too had word of his character been passed down here and there by word of mouth. A prideful aristocrat, which was an understatement perhaps, who took a love of magic and ultimately ended up being chosen to be mentored by the White Seer himself. Of course despite her initial confusion, the idea of being invited to a grand project led by some of her older peers was more than tantalizing. To be invited in by her seniors to join such a project and research was nothing short of fascinating to her as a mage, frankly speaking, and not something to turn down. Something about it felt almost 'off', admittedly, yet despite the gut instinct rearing its head the girl gave a formal smile and a graceful nod to Sekhandur after he finished. This would be more work, but as she learned under Dagon it would behoove her to learn more about her peers. Had the man not advised her to make friends, seek peers, and such ilk? Those of her age group, including those who just went through commencement with her and came the year before, were prime ways to make good on that advice. Indeed, it did make sense to get to better know those she'd be working alongside in [i]time[/i]-...hmm! Actually, that reminded her of something! That particular concept had come up the other night to her mind, and would be worth looking into when she could. Not that she might get to do anything right now, but she'd always been curious about that concept. Sun dials could track it, but what else could be done with it? So immaterial, and yet so vast- Oh. [color=32CD32]"I am honored to meet you, as well as receive such an invitation from you, Sehkandur,"[/color] the girl said, her well-mannered voice ringing with honest tone, yet unwavering as it span such pride-feeding compliments as she humbly sought to respond as best she could in kind. Even her posture and behavior were fitting in how she held herself, holding up as always to that ever-present noble standard as befit the interaction, [color=32CD32]"Of course I would call my talents nothing so noteworthy. Yet even so...for them to be sought after for such pursuits in magic, I feel the honor is mine to be approached with such an opportunity. I shall humbly accept your invitation as such!"[/color]