[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200505/4dc96afd940d926811381f2235b82a9d.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b] Everbrook Public Library[/b] Court Street. May 28th 2020. [/color][hr][/right] [indent] [color=93fbe4]"So, what will it be, Will? You in or out?"[/color] The fact that so many had come back to help Will made him sigh with relief. Maybe it wasn't as bad as the Prescott girl had made it out to be. The girls that had surrounded him all seemed willing to at least check the mine out, which meant that he wouldn't be alone in this. [color=dodgerblue]"Of course I'm in."[/color] he nodded to Asélie. He looked back at the other girls. [color=dodgerblue]"It'll probably be dangerous. I understand if you guys don't want to go too."[/color] [/indent]