The woman entetimg stumbled slightly as she entered throwing off her hood hiding her face from the suddon downpour that came out of the blue and happened to see a particular door that drew hwe attention. [i][color=fff200]"Oops... Not drunk... Old battery."[/color][/i] A light german accent, long white hair pulled into a dettiled platt secured by a asian style metal pin just visible and on taller side with gold eyes. Entirely normal for her age and gender except the hair so pale to give Elsa jealous momments and just below her dress peaking out one leg repaced to the thigh, knee and sculpted and painted metallic toes that sat in a black healed shoe matching the human one. [hider=Leg tech] [img][/img] [/hider] Careful as a light blinked red and the replacement worked a fraction of second slower to throw ones balence. Pausing to gingerly lift self to bar stool with a quiet servo whine. Looking around the strange and rqther varried bar from a woman who looked like she barely escaped a fight, a tall smartly dressed gentleman, a rather cute cat and a bartender with a poker face like if they even where suprised no would ever tell. [i][color=fff79a]"A glass of your decent white wine and a desert too choclatey to be legal of you do one please tender of the bar."[/color][/i] Noting the red light now blinking a merry dance and a second lighting up. [i][color=fff200]"Odd request. Can i trouble you have a small screwdriver or fairly small yet strong knife please? I cannot quite use a USB port"[/color][/i] Returning to take a little time to look at the other patrons and feline as someone seemed to treat the injured lady, the man in a smart suit had questions as a man ordered a coke while he looled like he should be ordering something more expensive. Another stranger was oddly yet advancedly atired. Least she would not be bored while the new battery kicked in.