Josh didn't turn to face Benjamin as he spoke to him, raising an eyebrow softly before he let out a small laugh. "I was asked to come here." He spoke, "My skills in my area are almost unmatched by any other worker I've met." "What skills? Manipulation of memories?" Dia suddenly spat with a sneer, "That's what I've known you for." Josh gave a grin, moving his hand to wipe his mouth as he uttered some words into it. "You could say that, but I feel it in a different light." He started, "My ability is to be able to scan memories, occasionally I help with getting rid of anything too traumatic, or at least help with breaking it down so its easier on the person." [hr] Sara looked around as they walked, her eyes crossed eyes with the nervous man and she shot him a warm smile before she gave a bit of a wave to the other couple. She wasn't used to being out this long, being this free. She wanted to let go of Marcs hand and just.. Run around for a bit, but they were heading somewhere else, somewhere Marc said she might enjoy, which she was more than happy with.