[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/ZT1oFwOs5lgNjkkr5dYCXnqcJHdga3d_7U1_fF0io8o/https/i.imgur.com/6VXPWB7.png[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location: Dailsy's table Skills: Rune Magic [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] "[color=limegreen]I thought I said the world was ending.[/color]" Beth said dryly. "[color=limegreen]I wasn't joking.[/color]" She traced her fingers along the table, drawing out runes across the surface. "[color=limegreen]I'll show you what I saw, if you'd like.[/color]" She offered, as her eyes opened once more, revealing their hollowed out shell. "[color=limegreen]Here, [i]this[/i] was my vision.[/color]" And before them, the surface of the table rippled and shimmered, before becoming like a moving painting, showing Elizabeth's dream from her perspective. A half face woman, Hel, sat on her throne, with Baldur in a cage at her side, "[color=limegreen]This is Eljudnir, Hel's base in Niflheim, and that caged figure is Baldur.[/color]" she explained, as the table faded back. "[color=limegreen]This is one of the signs of Ragnarok, you see.[/color]" She explained, closing her eyelids once more, before continuing to say, "[color=limegreen]If my vision is to be believed, and it should be, then the end times are coming. All will burn, and the world will end.[/color]" She said emotionlessly. She was too old, it felt like, to have been born so long ago, and live to see the end times. "[color=limegreen]We are all that stands between the world and the apocalypse, I don't know if fate can be changed, but it looks like that's our only option now.[/color]" She sighed, rubbing her temples. "[color=limegreen]So, take your best guess as to how I'm feeling Arnora.[/color]" She said, almost spitefully.