[@Blizz] [color=662d91][h1] [center]Micah Aarseth [/center] [/h1][/color] Micah had a strange night; this night’s dream was quite special because of his experiences with Tolan. In this dream he was present with Tolan and his master; watching but could not do anything to stop Tolan’s master summoning the undead. The scene changing to himself inside of the forest walking passed some trees and bushes; finally making his way towards a small wooden shack. Opening the door of the shack noticing a foul smelling coming from inside; peering inside of the shack he noticed that it was quite messy inside. Exploring the interior of the shack he found nothing; but parchment with strange writings and empty plates shattered all over the floor. Before he could come towards a darken figure in the corner of the room he awoke to the bright sun and chirping birds. Getting his clothes he was glad he had locked his door before going to sleep; he did not want anyone seeing his face and third eye. Once he finished dressing he made his way out of his room and walking downstairs to get some milk form the tavern owner.