The Reichsritter's blade remained pointed directly at the possible assailant, while Jonathan considered his options from the inside. If he killed this man now, saved all the trouble he could possibly bring. If he let him live, there was the possibility this mysterious mecha could possibly be used to drag in more dough, or as a bullet monkey if they ever ran into each other on a mission. [i]There was, however, another benefit for letting him live...[/i] Jonathan gave a short, harsh burst of laughter that did translate over the speaker very well, instead forming as a loud and obnoxious burst of static. [i] ward off a rather... annoying character.[/i] The Reichsritter straightened up as Jonathan made his decision and relayed it to the unknown mech. "Oi, asshat. Why don't I take you to Haven. Lead you there, in fact. Help one another out? Fucking spirit of goodwill and that shit."