The two Lieutenants spent the next few hours sorting through all of them, with almost little to no verbal interaction. Once they had gotten underway, Kaiden had not found it particularly unpleasant. Maybe they could work together on the same ship, though there would always be that emotional scar tissue just waiting to be reopened. He wasn't certain if he hoped she felt the same. Sometimes it was easier to quantify the world when he knew someone was perpetually pissed at him. The next two days flew by relatively quickly, and he saw Sabatine only in passing during that time. Kaiden spent the days getting to know the crew he'd never worked with before. He met with Helenna Graving for a bit, discussing her job and making pleasantries before finding Howarth, Danzetti, and Byron all in a betting match to see if Klave or Capereill would win at arm wrestling, best 3 out of five. Kaiden hadn't known the two men long, but he could read people. He knew Capereill likely worked out every day to compensate for his diminutive stature, and as he suspected it gave him the win. The next few hours he spoke to the men and even met them along with Helenna the next day in the mess hall, sitting somewhat close to Sabatine but not really speaking to her. But that was all in the last few cycles. Kaiden currently stood at the ready as the Vickie's exit bay depressurized, opening up on Errhai herself, the most populous world in this backwater system. It only had about fifty million people on-world, but that was enough to be worthy of protection. It might not be the very heart of the Cinnabar nation, but he wished he felt more pride. The Prince simply wished to walk out into the planetary sun's rays and feel fresh air on his skin. Though he knew protocol. Captain Micha would disembark first, and the man was still on the bridge speaking to the Bosun. Behind Kaiden, Tilda poked her head past his shoulder to try and see outside of the ship. The woman had been attached to his hip ever since they had gotten on board, save for when he gave her the slip to meet the other crew. He hated being crowded, but she had been a good conversationalist, and they'd even flirted occasionally. He knew the woman was either going to be the death of his career or the most fun he'd had in years. Likely both, considering his contrasting luck. "You're not a reporter anymore, but I see you're as curious as ever." The Prince remarked, arms crossed. Until the Captain approached, he'd be at ease. "Are you not? I hear this is an interesting little system. I never really had the stomach for travel, but I love making it to the destinations." She confessed, seemingly even more eager than Kaiden to step off of the Vickie. "I plan to peruse the nightlife a bit when I'm off hours, or at least see if there's any good local drinks. You wouldn't care to join me, would you?" Kaiden shook his head, trying not to smirk. "Is that professionally, or-" "If it was professional, it wouldn't be off hours." She teased, flying past Kaiden opening his mouth to speak. "Besides, I think we both can use a little unwinding." "I-" He started, until Sabatine walked into the exit bay as she had been summoned. Kaiden regarded her and gave a casual salute, more out of a greeting than anything. She might have to salute to him, but it was always good for ranking officers to return the favor unless in the midst of a battle. [@Penny]