[h1][color=39b54a][center]Ernestus Greye[/center][/color][/h1] After Ernestus left Elra's room, he stopped and looked down, there was nothing there, no body and no blood. He didn't know what happened, and was about to go downstairs to investigate, until he then saw the dragonborn carrying the corpse away, Ernestus shook his head, and then saw out the window a dragon appear out of nowhere to scoop up the body and leave with it. Ernestus was speechless, he didn't know what to do at first, and then remembered the innkeeper. He hurried down the stairs and went to find the innkeeper. She wasn't in a rush it seemed about informing the guards, and was surprisingly just irritated about the situation. Ernestus informed her that the situatiom had been handled and there should be no more concern. Ernestus went back to his room to try and go back to sleep, but he couldn't, and before long, the light of the sun poured from the window. He sighed, and pulled himself up and got dressed. The morning was a quiet one, no one spoke much more than greetings, then went about their business. Ernestus had his breakfast, and decided to get some air and had a walk. Before he started, he saw Elra sitting alone and invited her to come along.