[i]Ignore their taunting.[/i] While Kire hadn’t expected them to run in fear at the surprise attack, seeing them ignore their slain companion altogether wasn’t a good sign at all. Everything about them screamed ‘killer’. Just as what looked like the male between the two of them beckoned to her, played with her, she felt the back of her neck prickle, accompanied by a familiar aura. He did come after all. “I guessed as much,” she said in reply, her gaze never leaving her opponents. [i]Any moment now.[/i] Her opponent leaped forward, and she evaded, anticipating his blow with her sword as she dodged to the side, then spun to face him. She flooded her body with dragon-power, her Ring glowing almost white-hot, and lunged with a grunt. She met the monster’s blade with her own again; this time, her sword bit into the metal, cracking it in half. Not daring to stop, she evaded again, and this time threw the hunting knife at him before attacking again, rushing full speed at him. The distraction of the knife was enough for her to get in a slash to his side. [i]Pick at him. Slow him down. Then the killing blow[/i], she thought, concentrating. Save the portal for the last, in case her reluctant companion failed to subdue his own opponent.