Kosa nodded [color=pink] " hell yeah dude! "[/color] he said bubbly and began walking with them.[color=pink] " was ist mit dem ausgefallenen Mädchen? "[/color] he whispered to kit(what is with the fancy girl?). He looked around for the riverboats and used tiny bits of wind to jump like one inch of the ground. His excitement at the whole experience of the camp and just having a friend who was also a demigod was immeasurable. The wind responded to Kosa's emotions and excitement and a breeze would blow through where the group was walking or a large gust of wind would blow through. Since Kosa thought the fancy girl was a bit uptight and maybe even a bit mean so sensing that the large gusts would hit her while the lazy breezes would hit Kosa and kit. Studying the girl he cocked his head to the side [i][color=pink] Wow sie muss wirklich eingeboren sein, sie hat einen Kimono und alles, hat sie sogar normale Kleidung mitgebracht? (Wow she must really be native she has a kimono and everything , did she even bring normal clothes?) She is probably so native she hasn't met anyone else no wonder she's so uptight.[/color][/i] he thought in both German and Japanese. He then laughed to himself turning away from the fancy girl and walking with kit.