Hjergir let out a roar. At this point his bloodlust looked as if it was only [i]somewhat[/i] contained. He had more than enough years of experience to be expected to be able to control his beast, but he was someone who seemed to lean on its savagery in battle. Still, he was not so far gone as to be unable to answer. “Alright, then let’s give ‘em something to fear! Volley! Force them to ground!” The archers near the rear of their force were not as numerous as the ranged threats from the Daedra, but they could still put ample pressure on at least the front line. Combined with the Dominion mages that followed suit, the Daedra behind the barricades had to worry about their own defense just as much as they did about fighting back. At the same time, Meesei pushed forward with the frontline while arcing lightning across the tops of the barricades. In the center path, progress was slower, but they still marched steadily forward with every trap that they destroyed. The narrow path did mean that they could not spread out enough to overwhelm the Daedra, but that did also mean the Daedra had less ability to focus ranged fire on any specific part of their frontline defenses. They could hold, and when they did reach the barricades, it was Kaleeth that was the first to make contact. The tall metal wall in front of her reached even above her head, but she did not expect for it to be much of an obstacle for her. She found the opening between two parts of the wall, then shoved her claws into it. From there, she pulled the two apart, growling as the metal bent under the immense force she could provide. The Daedra on the other side had not yet reorganized their defense, as they had not expected the barrier to be breached so quickly. On the left flank, Meesei was about to mantle over the barricades when a roar echoed through the valley. She turned her head to the sky and fell back down onto their side of the barricades. It was the Daedric Titan. The massive beast had been healed, or simply rested enough to rejoin the fight, and it was setting its sights on the mountain pass. As it flew towards them, Meesei created a ward and expanded it to try and protect as many as she could, but the beast did not stop on their flank. Instead, it flew overhead, past the center path, and towards the far right flank. Ahnasha bared her teeth as the Titan flew over. If even one of the flanks fell, the Daedra could wrap around and surround them. They had to act quickly, but at the same time, they could not weaken their own flank too greatly, else they would face the same problem. Ahnasha had an idea in mind, though in truth, she was not [i]completely[/i] sure it would work. Not that she would let on to that fact, considering how few other options they had. “Meesei! I think I know how to stop that thing, I just have to get close!” Meesei turned back briefly, answering with considerable haste with the battle still raging around them. “Do it, we’ll be fine here. Fendros, can you get her there?”