[img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SaYURTR_3tY/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [u]Location:[/u] [color=ed1c24]Orvus Bog[/color] Ivan and Naomi had little choice but to begin their adventures in one of the most contaminated areas. Entering the accursed Orvus Bog, their goal was to eliminate the ego of those fools rejecting this reality in the first place, and thus, obtain more druid energies in order to cause sludge to emerge in this place, Although it already had such. The problem came with just how much of an ego people had in the first place. Due to that, those infernal, accursed, goblins were responsible for the situation the bog was currently in. Yes, raging terrible goblin hordes, who only cared for their own agenda. Just how mods/admins only cared about theirs as well. But while civics was a blessing, it was also a curse as well. That meant Ivan and Naomi had to make them come out of secrecy, whether friend or foe, and teach them a lesson in respect.