[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.vzr56kj6tugntEgADOvw0AHaFj?pid=Api&rs=1[/img] Ivan and Naomi found a house on the edge of the toxins, with a few druid residences. They looked at the two carefully, and realized that they were here for a prophecy. "The fall of America marks the rise of proper civics. it's the time for that, but the people aren't ready." They said. But they would never be ready. They had to be, but they never would. So, not to be a tyrant, Ivan and Naomi had to eliminate these accursed goblins, as stated. The druid pointed to the north. Of course it would be north, towards the ice fields... it was an irony written in stone. So much so, it was practically a joke. A JOKE! And yes, at the expense of these two. So there.