I'll be giving people until Thursday or so to address changes and concerns before deciding so the RP can start this upcoming weekend. [@Utrax] I like the character, but I do have some minor issues and questions for you. 1) In the appearance section, you speak of gold-plated canine teeth. What is this tradition for, and why does his people do it? 2) Is his coastal village located on the islands or elsewhere? 3) Why can he not return to his home? His mother made it clear to De'yaego, but it isn't exactly clear as to why in the sheet. [@vietmyke] The only issue I have is that I would like to know more about his tattoos. Do they have some kind of meaning, or did he just get them as part of his rebel childhood? [@Cyrania] My main concern is that this sheet is incredibly bare-bones. I like the character idea, but the sheet does need more content for me to considering accepting it. I'd suggest looking at the other sheets to see where you can expand on. [@LetMeDoStuff] No problems on my end! Though, I should note that most Eidolons can't exactly communicate with humans outside of growls, chirps, and so on. [@Crusader Lord] Leyann seems like a fine character, but I'm not 100% sold on Scrape. While it could work as an Eidolon, he seems a little too extreme and unusal, particularly because of his reanimation ability that I'm not totally sure about accepting. [@Apoalo] No issues here since we've already talked about some concerns.