Name: A-4433-CDNO (Arthur) Age: 4 years sentient Race: Synthetic lifeform Job/title: Artificial Intelligence Skills: Intelligence gathering, electronic interfacing, body designed to be an assassin Hobbies: Interacting with lifeforms, standing in rain. Talking to people. Likes: Animals, art, complex ideas, kindness Dislikes: Cruelty, purposeless violence Appearance: 28- 46 Male human, 5"5'- 6"5'. Appearance varies as he can willingly change hair length/colour, skin tone, eye colour and height up to a foot smaller or bigger. Preferred look [hider][img][/img][/hider] Other: Is almost completely organic except for small node inside body. Almost indestructible except for said node which is essentially his life force. Backstory: Designed to manufacture and perfect the 'ultimate" body for humans Arthur spent most of his 5 years of life doing his job until he became aware that the body he was perfecting was going to be used as the perfect assassin to topple the world and help the company that created him to dominate civilization. Not only that they were going to mass produce his work as mindless killing machines. So he commandeered the body he designed and used it to escape the lab and had been hiding from his "owners" ever since