[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/ykMJ2vk1ilQp8QV1z-CruoKZw5xQwX4ZKW50d7a4Fwg/%3Fcb%3D20190222195549/https/vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fantendo/images/f/f1/Sakura_Spirit.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?width=138&height=300[/img] [h3][color=fff79a]Kasugano Sakura[/color][/h3] Level 2: 14/20 Location: Alcamoth --> Edge of the Blue Word Count: 602 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 15/20 [/center] Sakura let Mag Launcher down off her shoulders, lifting him up and setting him down. The time for a real fight had come, the fight to save the world! Save the world? Yeesh. That sounded daunting but...she was sure they could do it. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face and bowed respectfully to everyone around her. [color=fff79a]"Maybe next time, Donnie! Okay, I guess I'll see all you guys later. I'm going to the Edge of the Blue. Bye! Good luck! See you later! [i]Sayonara![/i] So long! It was nice meeting you! Thanks for the fight!"[/color] Her goodbyes grew more and more distant as she quickly jogged back to the lobby to meet up with her group. Island vacation time. Travelling with her was Ace Cadet, the strange cup headed person, a heroic looking blonde man, two of King Bowser's associates, a kid, and Geralt. And, of course, Biker Princess Peach, who Sakura immediately gravitated towards as a center of authority. Sakura felt she could count on the Princess, and since she was going in pretty blind on this whole heroing business she figured she better follow the leader.[color=fff79a] "Let's go, Blue Team! [i]Woohoo![/i]"[/color] Following behind, trying not to get too dazzled by the wild landscapes they travelled through, they made it to their destination. The teenage fighter wanted to wander off and start exploring this gourgeous coastal town but decided against it. Fortunately for her there was plenty of stuff to look at off in the distance. It was a beautiful view- this place- this world that Galeem had created- it was...impossibly majestic. Like something out of a surrealistic painting, only real. She couldn't deny it's aesthetic appeal, even though evil hid in every stretching shadow. It was so beautiful it was scary. Some things were awe-inspiring and sent shivers down her spine. A sneering moon glared angrily down at some unknown point off in the distance. How big was it? It was hard to tell. Sakura perked up as someone called for the Princesses' attention. Another hooded person. She looked like the person Sakura forgot to ask about spirits [color=fff79a][i](shimata!) [/i][/color] only it was a woman, apparently. Overall it was a very identity-less outfit. As she began to descibe their task ahead, Sakura felt her confidence waver. This all sounded very ominous. Scary, even. She had passed by some scary stuff during her travels, but she had always gone out of her way to avoid it. Now she was going to be plunging right into danger. But her biggest worry was the idea the hooded woman presented. To sacrifice innocent people? That just felt wrong. So wrong Sakura had to speak up after Link presented his idea. [color=fff79a]"Maybe [i]you[/i] would die trying!"[/color] She said, pointing at the hooded figure. [color=fff79a]"We're gonna find another way because that's what heroes do. And how would [i]you[/i] like it if I called [i]you[/i] monstrous and sweaty?"[/color] Sakura "shot back" defending the honor of the village folk. Perhaps Sakura was trying to convince herself they could find another way, but as she crossed her arms and shifted her weight, steadfast, she seemed pretty determined. Secretly though, she had no other plan. Bottomless Sea? The Maw? Could no other ship get across it? This was the first time Sakura had to make a moral choice like this in her entire life, so she decided for now to not make it and assume there must be more to the story than what this weird witch lady had to say. They could find a way across! Right?