After everything sort of... exploded; Fae was kind of, left alone. She never vocalized her sadness of it all, she just kept her head down and continued on her work. It was easier to ignore this way, just put your head down in the office and focus mainly on whatever you were tinkering on or what code you were making. After the massive falling out, she was reluctant to hang out with her cousin, but... She was the closest family at this point, so much that Fae even took the small amount of stuff she had with her and moved in with Daphne. Fae often kept to herself even when they were living together, she got her own room and due to Maggie and Dianna never contacted her anymore she just sort of... stayed there. Daphne would often pull her out and around, and she simply allowed it. There was no use arguing with her cousin, she got dramatic when things didn't go her way. [hr] Dianna's love of life sort of fizzled out when the group split, she spent the first month just staying in her room by herself. She often forgot to eat or drink, which caused her to get sick and very thin to the point where she was sent to stay with Velma due to it. Velma helped Dianna get at least a bit happier again, but she wasn't as energetic as she used to be. They started to take more trips to the museum to see the new things that popped up, which easily helped her mood- especially the [i]dinosaurs[/i]. She stopped making so many costumes after things went south for the Mystery Inc; she took leave from her work, which she was allowed. She had enough holiday leave to just have a couple months off, that and she was close to her boss- who understood what was happening. Things were... happening at least. [hr] As Daphne complained about her carry-on bags, Fae wanted to sink into the ground and disappear. "Look," She said turning to her cousin, "I don't have any carry-on bags, can I take two of hers?" She asked as she looked to the receptionist. She turned back towards Daphne before she furrowed her brow, "Daph, just... Focus on the trip okay? I'm sure we can get these into the luggage bay, you don't [i]really[/i] need everything on the trolley right?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Fae wore a loose fitting Jurassic Park tee that was given to her by Dianna after a marathon that the girls had done; a massively fond memory that she would never forget about. Even if she would never see them, she would at least have a few things to remember them by. She gave a bit of a yawn as she waited for Daph to stop complaining about the carry-on; she was woken up pretty early to leave. She wasn't a fan of being up at the moment, she wanted to be back home tinkering with things but she looked forward for the island. Dianna looked over towards the large tower of bags and she felt her stomach sink. She looked over to Velma with a worried look to check if she had noticed the tower as well. She looked around more, she swore she had seen Fred walking around too, but she didn't trust her eyesight. Maybe she was just missing them more than ever? Who knows. She just wanted her friends back.