Henry looked around aimlessly. He moved to a booth, and climbed up to the top of the table with a slow push and a hop. He looked at his electronic binoculars and horse horn and wondered why he ended up with these things being in his inventory. The binoculars were useful enough, but the horn was a little on the silly side of things. Then, he become more alert and tuned in and listened to the news: there was going to be a march. He said a yeehaw to himself and smiled. That was an apocalyptic smile. There was so much emotion as he cocked his head and rotated his lips. "I need a cup of coffee," he said. It was a happy move. He didn't hear anyone say anything about him having the extra coffee, which told Henry everybody was feeling something. Quickly, he distilled a half cup of black coffee and swallowed it fast. He raised his voice some, and gleefully said, "I can definitely watch you. But, that's all I can do. Who is going?"