[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=09849f]Kwassi Asokho[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/730211580951920750/YsQSj9E_d.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [color=09849f]Location:[/color] Agent 13s apartment. [color=09849f]Skills:[/color] Bio-Engineering, Jack of All Trades: Science, Chemistry, Toxicology. [hr][/center][/b] Everything was fine. This was fine. Kwassi looked about the room, taking in the scenery as he tried to develop a plan of attack. Blow for blow Flynn had been matching him and he needed to get an upper hand. As Matt played the loving part of distraction, being slammed up and down by Uncle Suger, Kwassi took the opening to run head first towards the bathroom, rolling into the small room and blessing that he left the door ajar. As soon as he was in he shut the door closed, grabbed his Escrima stick and held it horizontally. Pressing his finger on the shaft, a faint blue glow appeared and the stick grew from itself until it was long enough to barricade the door incase anyone tried to break it in. He needed to work and he would take all the chaos from outside and allow them to keep each other company so he could do so. Kwassi laid down his portable chem kit, placing on his gloves and goggles, and began to mix Sulfuric Acid, Water, and Hydrogen Peroxide into a glass container with a magnetic stirrer. As fighting ensued outside he could hear Agent Reed claim they were Skrulls. Bonnie had confirmed his earlier suspicions that Flynn wasn't who he said he was. Kwassi had expected either HYDRA, a robotic double, or Skrulls. He [i]really[/i] didn't like Skrulls. The solution now finished, he used the spout to carefully pour it into 5 of his emptied throwing darts. Clipping 4 back onto his belt, staching away his chem kit and brass knuckles, and then opening the door to rejoin the fight. He threw his first dart at Flynn, landing the blow as the corrosive acid would make quick work of any organic matter. Satisfied that it may be enough, he peered into the hallway to see who was left and decided the troublesome teen with a penchant for metal was the best bet. Throwing another of his darts at the boy and narrowly making his target so he too would begin to feel the solution eating away at him.