[hider=Remy’s Dream] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/MBY4dNK/remy-shadowed.png [/img][/center] [color=aea8d3]Time: [/color] Middle of the Night Before [color=aea8d3]Location:[/color] Inside Remy’s Mind [color=aea8d3]Mentions:[/color] [@princess][@Helo][@Potter][@Tae][@Milkman][@FunnyGuy] [color=aea8d3]BGM:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFPB2sVUXGI&list=PL066EAAFFB5CF769F&index=2?] LISTEN TO THIS[/url] [color=aea8d3]“WELCOME EVERYONE! Welcome to Remy’s art gallery! Enjoy tonight, and more importantly yourselves!”[/color] With that introduction, Remy climbed up the giraffe’s neck for a perfect view of what will all happen tonight. First thing to catch her eye was this [url=https://i.imgur.com/4kJp7Gx.png]red colored sonic OC[/url] like something out of deviantart. [color=b72b26]“Hi Remy! You're so great at art! My name is Angel The Hedgehog! I like cheese!”[/color] [color=aea8d3]“Oh it's such a divine pleasure to meet you tonight, I hope everything is to your liking, we have an assortment of cheeses and a large selection of fine wines for you to sample!” [/color]As she said that, she watched Angel The Hedgehog completely turn around and naruto ran over to the cheese, devouring most of the plate. [color=b72b26]“GOTTA GO FAST!”[/color] [color=aea8d3][i]Well I guess she meant it when she said she liked cheese. ”[/i][/color] Next to catch Remy’s eye was this dog going around to all the pretty ladies around the room. [color=aea8d3][i]How peculiar that the dog was only going up to the ladies.”[/i][/color] [color=aea8d3][i]Though it seems the woman talking to him right now seems to speak dog.[/i][/color] Remy really couldn't hear from on top of her giraffe what they were saying, so she pulled out a [b]telescope[/b] and held it to her ear to listen in. [color=7cad58]“Hello my name is Mauve, I was named after a pale purple color from the mallow flower.” [/color] [color=C0ABEF]“Bark bark” [/color] [color=7cad58]“Oh so your name is Finn, like Adventure time, but not?”[/color] [color=C0ABEF]“Bark Bark Bark”[/color] [color=7cad58]“Oh never seen the show huh, ever seen Sabrina the Teenage Witch? That's my favorite show, I learned to speak Dog and gained the skill from that show.”[/color] Mauve said then continued in a monologue, [color=7cad58]“Speaking of skills, let me take a few minutes to talk to you about a website called Skillshare. Have you ever wanted to learn how to do something out of the ordinary or interesting? Well you can, by taking classes online at skillshare.com, which are taught by instructors and have their own class rosters. Heck, I learned how to juggle and speak to dogs the RIGHT way, by using Skillshare. So what are you waiting around for? There are DOZENS of online courses that you can take ranging from Physics, all the way to fingerpainting! Be sure to check for my referral link in the description after watching this video for a FREE week trial courtesy of Skillshare! It’s thanks to them I can provide content to you guys as often as I do, so I thank Skillshare for sponsoring this video. Now, back to the topic. So we have something in common. “You’re like Jake the dog but named Finn, and I'm like Sabrina but instead of talking to cats I can talk to dogs!”[/color] [color=C0ABEF]“Bark Bark”[/color] [color=7cad58]“Good talk Jake…. I mean Finn.”[/color] [color=aea8d3][i]I wish I could talk to dogs like Mauve, I wish I was her, I just don't hope she has some kind of [b]Ginger[/b] magic controlling her, and speaking for Mauve. [/i][/color] That's when a french girl came into the gallery, all she was saying was [color=skyblue]“Feu! Feu! Feu! Feu!” [/color] [color=aea8d3][i]Oh look an french women, the french really love art! Oh. She just set one of my paintings of fire. [/i][/color] [color=skyblue]“l'eau! l'eau! l'eau! l'eau!” [/color] The french girl rushed towards the painting and grabbed it into her grasp and started to cry on top of it holding it tight and putting the flames out with her tears. [color=aea8d3][i]Guess the french set flames to mustaches. That or she thought the painting was so good she started to sob over the majestic beauty of Remy art adeptness. Well that's something…[/i][/color] [color=gold]“MWAHAHAHAHA!”[/color] A sudden entrance was made by Remy’s arch nemesis the Dastardly Mr.Grapes and his sidekick Fadoraboy.[color=gold] “ I'M HERE TO TURN ALL THESE MINDLESS CIVILIANS INTO RED WINE.” [/color] Remy leapt off her giraffe and landed in a hero pose,[color=aea8d3] “Not on my watch Mr.Grapes this is my art gallery! I will protect all these people! None will fall to your evil plans. I’m the Great Remy!”[/color] With that, Remy spun around and transformed into her super suit. She knew exactly what would stop him in his tracks. Newton's first law of motion, which stated that an evil grape won't change its action, unless confetti started to rain from the sky and stop it. Remy screamed out, [color=aea8d3] “Hey Mauve, I need you to speak to the dog, can you convey this to him: ‘I want him to be my steed I need to get to that lever to let the confetti out!’” [/color] [color=7cad58]“Okay The Great Remy. BARK BARK BARK”[/color] [color=aea8d3] “Angel, I need you to go run over and pick that dog up and bring it to me!”[/color] [color=b72b26]“Okay The Great Remy! Gotta go fast!”[/color] Angel said with a mouth full of cheese. Angel brung Jake… I mean Finn over to her. Remy promptly jumped on his back and mushed him towards the confetti lever. [color=C0ABEF]“Bark bark!”[/color] The Great Remy pulled the lever and confetti started to rain from the ceiling stopping [b]The Dastardly Mr.Grapes™[/b] in his tracks which he raised his fist and exclaimed. [color=gold]“ I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your stupid dog!”[/color] [i]BEEP! BEEP! BEEP![/i] [/hider]