[hr][Center][h1][color=Silver]At the Gardens[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [hider=Place of meeting][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.6LcPoJfJX8mT0I5q9H6IdwHaE7?pid=Api&rs=1[/img][/hider] As Vane left he would find that Virgil and his group were actually exactly where he thought they could have been. They were all at an open area in the garden, an open and convenient area from them to meet. They are all sitting around a table inside of a large white gazebo, all surrounding a large wooden table and are currently eating food. The food they are eating is a little out of the comfort zone of the facilities that the cafeteria provides. Including steaks, cakes, fine pastas, nothing of the very mass produced level of food the cafeteria produces. As Vane comes closer he begins to have a good look on everyone who was there in the morning. Now in less of a aggressive setting as that of the morning provided. Here he is able to see each person in a better view, after all, no one was running around and being very agitated. [hider=Virgil and Company][hider=Virgil] [color=goldenrod]Virgil[/color]- 5'10 man slightly tanned yet light skin, with short curly brown hair that seems well kept and slightly swooped, with a bright pair of brown eyes, an average slim yet lean frame, and a soft yet handsome face. His natural demeanor speaks of his very nature, confident, he sits in his seat as if he was running the show, and in all honesty, he was. Everyone around him treats him with some form of respect and likewise he treats them with dignity as they follow him. [img]https://i.imgur.com/d8Ltmpm.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [hr] [hider=Arturo] [color=red]Arturo[/color]- 6'3 man with dark tanned skin, with short slicked back black hair, with a dark black eyes, a large rippling body and a solid and sturdy frame, and a stern and hard face with a solid jawline. A large man who seems to keep himself upright and very confident. He seems to have a very stoic look as he eats, as the man seem to not pay much mind of the others around him, as the only person he seems to talk to is Virgil. [img]https://i.imgur.com/FYqwF03.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [hr] [hider=Rinaldo] [color=lightblue]Rinaldo[/color]- 5'9 man with caramel tan skin, with long black hair put into a ponytail, with a pair of bright blue eyes, a slim and lanky frame, and a soft face with a cheeky smile always laying on it. He is a average sized man who seems to have a few feminine features, looks like he is deep into his laptop, as all he has next to him is a sandwich and a bag of chips that he every now and again takes a chip out of. He holds himself in a relaxed and aloof manner as he seems to not care much of those around him, even of the girl holding onto him. [img]https://i.imgur.com/DeopupM.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [hr] [hider=Dominica] [color=limegreen]Dominica[/color]- 5'6 woman with caramel tan skin, with long wavy black hair left undone to give it lots of volume, with sharp green eyes, a slim and curvy frame, and a soft face with a very beautiful face. She is a beautiful woman who seems to be laying onto Rinaldo's arm as she seems to be almost sleeping on him, every now and again taking a chip out of the bag and eating it. She seems to really not care much of anything and is just letting things go by. [img]https://i.imgur.com/LEkaAHf.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [hr] [hider=Leonora] [color=pink]Leonora[/color]- 5'4 woman with tanned skin, with long curly black hair that she makes a large braid of everyday, with large green eyes, a bit of a chubby frame, and a rounder soft face with very big black glasses set on them. She is a small girl who seems to very much keep to herself, she seems to be eating quietly and letting people do as they please. Every now and again she catches herself from leaning too far forward as she straightens herself up again. [img]https://i.imgur.com/52FogEk.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] [/hider] As Vane made his way over Virgil was the first to see him as Virgil stands up with a small smile on his face and gestures a hand towards Vane, [color=Goldenrod]"Ah Mr. Wilson, hello. Please take a seat."[/color] As Virgil gestures his hand towards the empty seat across from him at the entrance of the Gazebo. Everyone at the table don't seem to be completely on guard, as Vane doesn't seem to be here to threaten them. As Virgil smiles and continues, [color=goldenrod]"So Mr. Wilson, what do we owe this pleasure to?"[/color] Virgil's appearance looks calm collected and as always confident. As his smile rests easily on his face and his hands had taken hold of each other as he sets them underneath having his elbows on the table and slightly leaning forward onto his hands. Making himself attentive and interested in what Vane has to say. As everyone continues to eat and do as they may, except for two people, as Arturo, the large man seems to push away his plate filled with meat and sets his hands in each other and gets ready to listen. While Leonora, seems to perk up when she hears Vane was coming to sit with them, so she almost seems to grow smaller in her chair, almost trying to hide as she stops eating and just starts to play with her food a little. [@Not Fungus]