[hr][Center][h1][color=Silver]At the Gardens[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [hider=Place of meeting][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.6LcPoJfJX8mT0I5q9H6IdwHaE7?pid=Api&rs=1[/img][/hider] Virgil's smile never fell away as he watched Vane take his invitation to sit down and seemed to have a very sure idea of what he was here for. Virgil's face never changed as he began to listen to Vane's very quick and deliberate forwardness of his request. Vane wished to use the facilities, and Virgil wished to use him. So for Virgil this was a perfect thing, why not accept? As Vane continued he even seemed more than willing to take on the terms of the conditions, almost not caring what they are. The smile on Virgil never faded, almost ecstatic of the situation. This was perfect to him, a man who wished to get stronger, by any means necessary, perfect. As Virgil slides his hands form underneath his chin and in front of him. His demeanor never changed as his smile almost looked too perfect. As Virgil finally responds, [color=goldenrod]"Well Mr. Wilson, it seems you know exactly why you're here. You wish to use the facilities we have, and I wish to find somebody to work with. You see, there are a few things we are unable to do, that you can get away with more easily."[/color] As Virgil begins to stand as he begins slowly walking around the table as he continues, [color=goldenrod]"You see, we need you to run errands for us. Talk to people, persuade people, and at times, fight people"[/color]. As his smile never fades, never growing almost like this is the only expression able to be made, [color=goldenrod]"If you are willing to get your hands dirty for us, I am more than willing to open full access to all facilities for you"[/color]. As Virgil finally makes it to the other side of the table he stands near Vane and stretches out his hand to him, as he then asks, [color=goldenrod]"You can do as you wish and have no fear of repercussions. You can fight anyone and not worry, and you can train anytime anywhere you feel. What do you say Mr. Wilson? Is that a good deal to you?"[/color]. [@Not Fungus]