[hr][Center][h1][color=Silver]At the Gardens[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [hider=Place of meeting][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.6LcPoJfJX8mT0I5q9H6IdwHaE7?pid=Api&rs=1[/img][/hider] Virgil watched as Vane seemed to try and weigh the options, very quickly he saw his face change. Shifting and almost accepting of the terms. Good they were plenty honeyed as it was meant to be more than enticing to take him up. Yet he noticed that Vane begin a most likely step into a self-reflective speech. Virgil listened intently, wondering if there was a piece he can steal from it to control him with. A shred of insecurity that he can take a piece of it and using it to hold control over Vane. As Vane spoke he spoke of himself changing something breaking down and changing. A metamorphosis in essence, a change that made him who he is. As Vane flipped the question onto Virgil for a moment. Virgil listened not really being shaken by the question as it was nothing other than ramblings and self-reflections of a man who doesn't know himself. Virgil finds this an easy pawn to keep control over, as long as he keeps Vane growing, Vane will do all that he wishes. As quickly after that moment of self-reflection, Vane took Virgil's hand and agreed to join. As Vane then asked a question that made Virgil inwardly nervous, that is he allowed to fight their group too. As his group all too slight notice of this, yet, Virgil knew very quickly that he was asking a question he must have had as a misunderstanding, as with a small chuckle Virgil says, [color=goldenrod]"No Mr. Wilson, I would more prefer that our work together to be cordial. To have such a situation come to be would be, less than favorable to both of us"[/color]. As Virgil pats Vane on the side of his shoulder as he pulls away and give Vane a nod as he walks back over as he continues, [color=goldenrod]"Rinaldo, if you will, give our new acquaintance access to all facilities."[/color] As a that same smile never left Virgil's face, as if he was a porcelain doll, never showing any emotion behind those eyes, and never allowing view of his forked tongue underneath that soft smile. As when Virgil takes his seat back at the head of the table he addresses Vane one more time, [color=goldenrod]"You will have access to all facilities this school has to offer. Please stay in touch, we will be calling you soon enough. As there will be some errands that we will need you to run. Other than that, please have a good day."[/color] Virgil leaves Vane with a small smile and a soft wave. The others around Virgil seemed more than calm about the situation now. As when the talking ends the larger man brings his plate back to him and continues to eat his large steak. While the small shy girl slowly goes back to eating her salad. The only two who seemed to have not moved much at all was Rinaldo and Domonica, as they continue to look at the computer and eat chips. Eventually, Rinaldo just began to feed Domonica chips instead of himself as she just laid on his shoulder and nearly fell asleep like that. A smile fell onto Rinaldo's face as he quickly hits the enter key, as a ring can be heard from Vane's phone. There is will read: [hider=Anonymous] [center][h3]Anonymous[/h3][/center] [hr] Scan this to any of the data locks, with it you will have access to all the facilities you could ask for. If there are cameras in the area, showing the symbol to the camera will delete the recording of the camera for up to 20 minutes before and after you show the symbol. Making the video feed seamless, almost as if you were a ghost. [hider=Picture] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZOwiCNR.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] [/hider] Strangely Vane is unable to reply to this number and is unable to download the image that was on the message. All he can do is click the photo to increase the size to his entire screen. [@Not Fungus]