[center] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/FFMFsKnD/JD-Token.png[/img] [color=gray][sub][b][u]Interactions:[/u][/b] [color=#bd63f2]Bee[/color] [@Hey Im Jordan] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Coleus Cottage [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] Morning[/sub][/color] [/center][hr][hr] In the kitchen, JD started gathering several ingredients and a packet of turkey-bacon for what he had planned. He wasn’t entirely sure of the new students and what their diet preferences were, so he decided he would make two separate breakfasts, one meat-based, and the other vegetarian based and let whoever came by take their pick. What he needed to decide was what the vegetarian breakfast would be based around. Falafel was always a safe choice. Thus, rummaging through the kitchen he brought out some chickpeas he’d boiled a couple days before from the freezer to let thaw, then started going through the pantries to find the ingredients he needed to make the dish. And that's when he noted some of those ingredients were missing. Nothing that was too terribly essential, but the falafel would taste a little funny without tahini and he wasn’t about to subject the newly arrived students to some sub-par meat-substitute. He looked around for a few minutes more, trying to find something that could mimic the flavour, or at least something that could mask the flavouring of the falafel without tahini. But he found nothing. Sighing, JD leaned against a counter and looked around. There were plenty of ingredients to make hash-browns, but that was boring. Still, what choice did he have? It frustrated that he already came up with a plan and most of it was already there but, because of one ingredient, he couldn’t see it to fruition. And it annoyed him to no end, and in no way did it help with his anxiety. Thoughts were running through his mind on what to do, on ways he could fix it. But just going ahead and making the falafel would see some students not liking the taste. And if he didn’t go through with it, whatever hash-browns he made wouldn’t be as good. And he already took the chickpeas out of the freezer. JD took a deep breath. And let it out slow. Making the falafel was unfortunately out of the equation, unless he wanted to run out of school grounds to the store. But there was no time for that. Gathering the ingredients, he made a batch of hash-browns, a stack of pancakes, a small bowl of mashed potatoes, and another bowl of baked beans. He also made a batch of turkey bacon and a large bowl of eggs. Just as he was finishing, he heard footsteps coming down and looked over to see Bee stepping into the kitchen. [color=lightseagreen][b]“What’s good, fam,”[/b][/color] he responded. [color=lightseagreen][b]“Yeah, there’s more than plenty. Take whatever you want.”[/b][/color]