[centre][h1][color=chocolate]Marcus[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Utrax][@Blade17] Marcus woke up, stretched, and calmly got up from his bed. He had to admit, the bed was fantastic and a lack of any soreness in his body was a pleasant surprise. Brushing his hair out of his face, he scrutinized his clothes in the glass doors, and with a scowl, he realized that they were in a similar state to his cloak. Well, at least the cloak would be cover the other clothes He walked over to the chair, proceeding to put on the said cloak and searched for a ribbon inside of its pockets. Much to his relief, he found one. Marcus quickly tied his hair back for the first time since they arrived, now more confident to show his face in public. The royal family had them stay in the castle- there was no point in hiding their identity anymore. Venturing into the hallway, Marcus noticed Blake and gave him a nod of acknowledgement, before moving further down. He was slightly taken aback by the servant's presence as well as the invitation he was relaying but ultimately he decided to accept. There would probably be servants and guards around so there was a smaller chance of something bad occurring and besides, it would be more convenient than looking for a tavern which would be open this early. [hr] [centre][h1][color=8493ca]Anya[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Blade17] Anya returned in a much better mood with some bags that she had the other crew members pack. She explained the situation and eventually convinced them to rent out some rooms in a nearby inn which would allow the crew to meet-up while in the town. The trip to the docks was overall a success and after a quick swim, Anya changed into some cleaner clothes she grabbed from the ship. Once she was in the ''crew's'' hallway, Anya ran into Marcus and with slight hesitation, she agreed to have the breakfast with the prince. Still wary of Tol, she was worried that another encounter would result in bloodshed. With her mood slightly soured, she finally arrived by the crew's bedrooms and began to look for a place for the bags. The bags seemed to be filled to the brim with various belongings. She no idea what they contained and she wasn't going to check. The only things she got from the ship herself were her belongings and Jack's scarf. She placed the bags and the scarf on a table (surprisingly it was empty unlike the other ones that were littered with decorations). Rolling her eyes, she tossed Blake's bag at him: [color=8493ca]'' We're having breakfast with the princeling today. Let Marcus know if you're coming or not.''[/color] [hr] [centre][h1][color=mediumspringgreen]Jane[/color][/h1][/centre] As soon as the princess was escorted to her lessons, Jane found herself setting the table in one of the dining halls while the other servants cleaned around her. After hearing that Prince Tol invited the visitors for breakfast, she pounced on the opportunity. It took some convincing but eventually, the other maids allowed her to 'help out'. She did not doubt that Tol would mess up but at least this would allow her to learn more about the strangers and find a way for the princess to get ahead of her siblings. After all, if the queen allowed her to accompany the visitors, Jane would most certainly come along.