Eating her food at a slower pace she mulled over his words already knowing her face had heated up in a rosy blush. Although it hadn’t been conventional in any way shape or form their relationship had somehow blossomed and he was falling for her of all people, just like she knew she had and was still falling for him. It seemed strange that only now where they really having a romantic dinner together like some sort of date, but at the same time it didn’t matter, and it worked for them. Right now, her life was in his hands and she trusted him with it, like he had with her in the districts when she promised to get him home. [color=f49ac2]“I must admit at first when you spoke words like that to me I was worried it was far too soon, that it was just said in the heat of the moment because we were scared for our lives… now however, it just fills me with happiness.”[/color] Speaking softly as she nibbled away at her own pasta enjoying the taste, talking with him as if they were just like any normal couple on a dinner date. [color=f49ac2]“I was also worried I latched onto you because I knew nothing and no one, but I know that’s not the case. I’ve never been more confident in my feelings for you and as you say this is nice. Definitely a favourite moment of mine too because it’s just us without any drama for once.”[/color] Reaching out for her glass of water she began to take a sip not daring to touch the red wine yet, not feeling too adventurous right now as Cas reaffirmed the fact, they were fine. Inside she was grimacing knowing that it was not the best conversation topics to approach, right now she should focus on the fact they were fine. They had somewhere to sleep, to eat and spend some time together before they had to figure out what they would do next. What Cas would do next as the decision was his. [color=f49ac2]“Sorry, I killed the mood, didn’t I?”[/color] Offering a sympathetic smile towards him as he tried to lighten the mood again, eyes glancing towards the oyster that he was offering for her to try. Biting her lip as she looked at the food, she took a breath before she tried it, what was the worst that could happen after all. At first, she wasn’t sure worried she would hate it but when the oyster hit her pallet she wasn’t revolted by the taste. In fact, it was quite enjoyable. [color=f49ac2]“Oh!”[/color] Exclaiming in delight as she grinned at Cas nodding to approve of the food, maybe she wasn’t so plain after all and it was if she had gained confidence as she reached out for the wine now to give it a try. [color=f49ac2]“I should trust you more often with this.”[/color] Winking at him as she swirled the red liquid around in her glass before taking a sip finding the flavour complimenting the oyster she had just tried. Sighing happily, she reached out her hand on the table grabbing his, [color=f49ac2]“That sounds perfect.”[/color] Happily ignoring the fact, she had nearly killed the mood and glad he was there to help her recover from it. [color=f49ac2]“Do you want to order that cake? I can tidy this up for us.”[/color] Giving his hand a gentle squeeze as the other reached for the wine once more to take another sip.