[h1]Tar 'Mdalak[/h1] [h3]Paxopolis Simulated Training Centre[/h3] Tar had tested this particular scenario before the class, to get a general idea of what was involved. But she knew the combatant placements were randomised, as well as each fighter’s individual skill level. There were thousands of different variables, which made the outcome wholly unpredictable. She pointed to the Sangheili on the far left of her - the good soldier. “You will take the lead. The rest of you, form up behind him. Remember what i taught you.” This was a good opportunity to exercise the ideal recruit’s decision-making, while gauging how easily the rest followed his lead. Combat had not yet even begun and already there was friction with the Major. He stopped where he was, straightening up his posture and looking down on Tar, literally and figuratively. “Do you not see our armor? I outrank Ryssa.” He objected, gesturing to the Sangheili Tar appointed to lead them. “I should lead this mission.” Tar looked up at the Major from the sim start countdown on her wrist interface and growled. “Make no mistake - I am the team leader on this mission. In this combat zone, you belong to me.” Tar thumped his armor with the bottom of her fist before pointing to herself. “And if I say you’re to follow close behind, you do so.” She thumped his armor again before turning away. “Besides, if the highest rank always entered dangerous rooms first, we’d have a leaderless military.” The two Sangeheili who had so far stayed clear of Tar’s attention let out a small laugh at this remark. The “good soldier” himself, Ryssa, appeared briefly nervous, though he said nothing to question his superior’s orders. While he was praised for his ability to follow orders, he had never been given anything approaching command before. Tar assumed a ready stance at the rear of the formation as they faced the sim room’s pilot light. This was so she could observe each of them in action, and offer corrections easily. She’d only given them basic close combat maneuvers to try; for this first sim she didn’t want to confuse them too much. The lights in the massive room went completely out, and Tar knew this was the sim loading up. A few moments past in pitch black before dull red emergency lights flickered on, much closer to their heads than before. They were in a dark, narrow corridor, with one of the entrances to the Command complex behind them. A few Sangheili and Human bodies littered the floor nearby; blood pooled around Tar’s feet. Ahead of them, shadows flickered in the long, straight corridor and collected in a few doorways on either side. About fifty metres away, a slightly stronger light at the end of the corridor revealed a fork to the left and right. Tar pulled her Mauler from it’s holster and brought it up, cradling it in both hands close to her face, sights just below her eye line. The recruits did roughly the same with their weapons. She quickly looked down and confirmed her energy sword and grenades had spawned in - she was ready for battle.