[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/2AVljdo.gif[/img][/centre] At Maggie's advice, Alayna begins to shake her head. She opens her mouth to argue otherwise, that certain species of fish can only be seen at night as well and that it is just a matter of having a source of light if necessary. But when Charlie gives his quick agreement, the words freeze on her tongue. An argument is not something she wishes to have, especially if she's trying to develop a good relationship with her initiate group. Still... A feeling of disappointment creeps in, the witch looking down in case it is noticeable on her face. The thought of fishing had, unfortunately, brought up memories that she'd long ago purged from her mind, or so she'd thought. Yet, here she is now thinking about the close moments she had shared with her father as a child, with a father that is now gone, at least emotionally. She supposes she should be grateful that he is still with her physically, but for the life of her, she can't bring herself to do so. When an argument breaks out between Dakota and Summer, the girl is tempted to step forward to make the situation better, mostly as a distraction to calm her troubled heart. Alayna can honestly say she doesn't care about what is happening, and finds both reactions from the persons involved to be ridiculous. As there are others to fulfill the role of the mediator, however, she thinks about Charlie's words about there being more to do instead. "[color=ed1c24]I...think I'm gonna take a walk,[/color]" the girl says softly to no one in particular, bending down for a stick on the ground and lighting it afire with a flick of her hands. Without waiting for a response, she moves off and into the nearby patch of woods. She desperately needs some air, and the cool night is sorely welcoming.