[h1]Kayliss Lambert[/h1] [hr] The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Hiding in broad daylight, dealing with the godsdamned Fishermen, having to watch her ass everywhere she went...really, the only difference was that now she wasn’t under royal mandate to do so. Only for a little while longer, she supposed. Kayliss knew that if she was going to make it out of this entire sad show with her head intact, the only way she was going to manage it was by getting out of the game entirely. Really, it hadn't been a bad ten or so years. Not at all. She'd gotten picked up off the streets, trained in something useful, and turned out to be good at it. The now ex-spy had no idea what she was going to do after her freedom was secured, but that was a problem for the Kayliss of the future. Hell, considering the amount of guardsmen and knights searching for her in the capital alone, thinking about the future was a luxury. Right now, there were more pressing concerns. How to find some bird with a golden feather across the entire damn nation. Where she was going to start with said search. How exactly was she going to explain hiding away on this wagon to the two strays that had been picked up by the traveling family the Fishermen had bribed to take her along. From the gist of what Kayliss heard outside the crate she was in, it was the bloody girl that had no idea what was going on that caused this situation in the first place. At least the kid hadn't mentioned her. Too young and naive to understand exactly what was going on, though Kayliss had to wonder exactly what the parents had been thinking, agreeing to this. Well, forget about it. The supposed paladin was asleep for now, at least. That would make things easier, considering Kayliss's first impression of the woman was a cunt with a rod jammed so far up her ass it was a wonder she could walk, much less shit. 'Duty as a governed citizen'...the church certainly produced some head cases. Taking a deep breath as she finalized her plan of action, Kayliss popped the crate she was stashed in open, making an exaggerated yawning sound as she slowly rose to her feet, not even faking her stretches to loosen up her muscles from being stashed in an enclosed space for hours on end. "Hm?" Kayliss blinked as she glanced at Ori and the sleeping Eliza, squatting down after she'd finished stretching, taking care to wrap her traveling cloak back around her. "You travelers too? Sheesh, you snooze for a few hours and there's two more wanderers on the wagon. Name's Kayliss, by the way." She gave a friendly smile, tilting her head briefly before turning around towards the front. "Oi, Donna! Where've we gotten to since I fell asleep?"