Ruth let out a long, slow sigh as her left hand scribbled notes onto a lined piece of paper. She nodded as her father, Rudy, spoke about budgets and how it was broken down into little sections. He showed her the breakdown in the form of a pi chart, and so she wrote that down as well. [color=fff200]"Ruth, pay attention. This is all really important for you to know,"[/color] her father said. [color=ed1c24]"Dad, I [u]am[/u] paying attention. But I'm allowed to find this part less exciting than the other stuff,"[/color] Ruth said in response, her voice sounding tired. [color=ed1c24]"See? I even drew the pi chart."[/color] She watched as her father turned to look over her notes, and nodded in approval before glancing down at his white gold watch. [color=fff200]"Alright, well since you've been keeping up with the note taking, I suppose you can go early. But make sure you're on time tomorrow. I love you."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Love you too dad,"[/color] she said as she stood up from the big office chair, pushing it neatly back in place before taking her binder and pencil, and placing them in her cabinet. She took one last glance at her dad before disappearing from the room. The glass door slid shut behind her, and she quickly made her way to the transportation tubes. Most buildings in Theonia City had them. Eventually they all would, though. Within a few minutes, Ruth arrived just outside of her favorite coffee house, [url=]The Emerald Garden[/url]. She entered, the bell ringing melodically through the cafe. Her sneakers were slightly wet, and clicked against the floor as she made her way to the counter. [color=a187be]"The usual?"[/color] the barista asked, a crooked smile playing along her lips. [color=ed1c24]"Absolutely."[/color] Ruth responded firmly. Her day had been fine, but she was tired. She was thankful her dad let her off early. She figured she would simply spend some time relaxing here, maybe listen to some music, then head home for the night. Before she was finished planning out the rest of her afternoon, Sasha, the barista, handed her a hot mug with a vanilla chai inside. [color=ed1c24]"Thank you, Sasha,"[/color] she smiled happily, paying. Sasha nodded and went back to the task she had been working prior to Ruth's arrival. Taking a long, slow sip of the drink so it wouldn't spill, Ruth made her way again to her favorite spot. It was in the Eastern corner by the window so she could people watch.