A-4433-CDNO watched his target enter the cafe, order her usual beverage and then take a seat at her usual spot. She was out earlier than any other day this week and he felt a moment of nervousness. But it left quickly as it seemed nothing else in his plan was miscalculated. He was finally done Intel gathering on his subject and felt prepared to tell her the critical knowledge he felt could change her life. He knew after two weeks of following her and interacting with her in the guise of a street performer, that she was indeed his best shot to save Blackwater Corp from the certain assimilation and destruction at the hands of his "parent" company. She was the only person in the whole company who would hear him out and not take him for someone experiencing a psychotic break. The only one with enough exceutive authority to take the data he had collected and use it for the good of civilization. But he didn't know how to approach her as of yet. He calculated in his mind. He was wearing the body he was most familiar with; a young man with bold yet soft features, the one who's smiles always caused a smile back. He knew if he approached like this at a table she was alone at she might confuse his approach as a confident gesture towards embarking a mutual mating ritual. He did not want this to be the case for their first social interaction. "Perhaps I should wait?" He thought. Wait and approach when she was interacting with another person. Like a young child waiting his turn, he'd politely smile and prepare his speech. He might even start with talk of non grandeur or philosophical quality to ease her mind and then he'd tell her what he knew... then... well then he had no way to predict all the variable outcomes. Nothing he could do would prepare him for after. He would have to do a leap of faith. And so. A-4433-CDNO waited...