[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/I6mf9Ct4crxUqfPuGcRdA3g-s-RA--eXx7HnRAi9MIA/https/i.imgur.com/ZF1PQyX.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] Atrium -> Water Processing Room/Catwalk [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b][hr][/center] [color=darkgray]"Shit,"[/color] Cal hissed when Manny informed them of where the others had gone off to. Part of her wanted to start barking at the bigger man about how he shouldn't have let them go in alone without discussing it as a group first, but she quickly came to the conclusion that trying to follow the group would be more productive. Still, she made sure to keep 'scold Manny for not stopping them' as a plan B, especially when she caught sight of the small opening which she was positive she wouldn't be able to fit through. Still, she forced herself to try. She climbed in after Raynor, pulling herself in, and to say it was a tight fit would be an understatement. Even when she sucked her belly in - which was actually a belly and not some six pack stolen from the gods - she was still too big to be in the pipe. She could feel every inch of her body pushing against the cool metal as she slowly inched forward. If she was being honest, she probably spent more time stuck than she spent moving. But eventually her inchworm strategy worked, and she finally pulled herself out, finding herself in a strange new area. Not even stopping to catch her breath, she began scaling the ladder with the spirit of an Olympic level athlete saving a baby from a fire. Her body didn't match such a spirit, however, so as soon as she got up to the catwalk and saw a cluster of familiar faces doing all well and good, she bent over, hands on her knees, out of breath. She took a few seconds rest, before raising her head, taking a second look at the group. She quickly noticed something worrying. [color=darkgray]"Where's the kid?"[/color] she asked, the concern in her voice only slightly masked by the annoyance that accompanied it. It was then that she looked down at the figure slumped at their feet, tall and androgynous. She didn't recognize them from their own batch, and quickly figured that it was them who the scuffle had been against. [color=darkgray]"And who's the lanky fuck on the floor?"[/color]